DST list from Delta V

Can anyone tell me how can I generate DST list for all active/assigned tags in the system. We are using Delta V version 10.3.1.

3 Replies

  • You can bulk export all channels (which host DSTs), to get a list of channels and their respective DSTs and the Enable/Disable state.  

    This will not apply to bus type I/O and serial I/O, however.  You'll have to perform separate bulk exports for each of these types of I/O your system has (device net, FF, ASI, etc.)

  • In reply to Youssef.El-Bahtimy:

    The download folder of the pro plus, or any workstation has a file called DSTT.SCR.  This can be opened with NotePad.  It will have a list of downloaded DST's.  However, data is sparce:



    DSTTI { DST='XI-101' DEVID=2622816257 PATH='IO1/IO1/C01/CH01' DS=0 }

    DSTTI { DST='PI-101' DEVID=2622816257 PATH='IO1/IO1/C01/CH02' DS=0 }

    DSTTI { DST='PSV-101' DEVID=2622816257 PATH='IO1/IO1/C01/CH03' DS=0 }

    The DST tag is self evident.

    THe DEVID is the ID number of the host node, typically controller.  you can determine the Node name from the DT.SCR (Device Table).

    The Path is the physical IO Path.

    In the example above, these three DST's are on the first three channels of a simulated Logic Solver assigned to the PRO Plus of my Simulate stand alone system. I have other DST's configured on a controller, but since I cannot download a controller with Simulate Standalone, those DST's don't show up.

    Not sure if this helps, but it will give you a list of DST's in the system.  you can parse this file into Excel, manually or with a macro.

    I've used Excel with macros to cross reference the DT file and get the user friendly name of the node into the list.  

    For CHARMS, you can export to XML from the CIOC and get a list of the CIOC charm definition.  BUt this will be one CIOC at a time and will not have any other IO types.

    Youssef's suggestion with Bulk Edit may be more useful, but maybe you can use the DSTT file to confirm you have all downloaded DST's in your bulk export.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    In DeltaV v12.3, DST license counting has changed, especially for BUS type IO.  Now, you need one DST license for a device.  Say a VFD has a SP, PV, Start, Stop, FWD/BWD status.  That makes 5 signals configured on the device, but one AO DST license.  If this was a motor, with no SP analog out, but a PV AI, the DST required would be of the AI type.  The DST license covers up to 16 signals.  So bus devices now should count as one DST, same as for an FF device, or HART device.

    Why mention this?  Well the Signals are still configured with a globally unique tag, and this tag will show up in the DSTT table, however, you'll only need one DST license per device.  So If you use the DSTT file to count all DST;s downloaded in the system, the signals from bus devices will inflate the DST count but the DST licenses will be based on devices, not signals.  Something to remember.  

    I want to point out that this is a good thing, as the DST count for BUS devices will be stable through the project, even if the signal count is increased in the configuration.  This will eliminate late changes in the configuration due to how device signals are configured, provided you used the right DST Type.

    Andre Dicaire