Question about sResString(#) in PBL detail displaly initialization.

I'm trying to create a new detail display starting with one of the PBL (Project Builder Library) detail displays. I'm essentially trying to add a new tab on the tabstrip to display the variables TP01 through TP10. In the CFixPicture_Initialze VB code there are a number of captions initialized using "sResString(#)" where "#" is a number. Where do I find the correlation between the # and the String name that is populated on the detail display when it opens?

Kathy Pate

Toray Carbon Fibers America

Decatur, AL 35601

  • Hi Kathryn,

    Search for a file called Resourcefile.txt or something similar to that in the local folder of ifix/graphics. This a simple text file containing the # to string lookup. The original purpose of this was to allow language specific localisation. So you could easily use the same faceplates and detail displays for different language operators without the need to alter the display, just change the text in the resource text file.

    Hope this helps

  • In reply to IntuitiveNeil:

    The file Neil is referring to is located in the Graphics-iFix/Pic/Standard folder.

    You will probably see more than one file:

    ResourceFile.txt - English

    ResourceFileES.txt - Spanish

    ResourceFileFR.txt - French

    ResourceFileGE.txt - German



  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    Cheers Matt,

    Spot on.

    My memory faded on the exact location.

  • In reply to IntuitiveNeil:

    Thank you, I found the file:)  I will probably have more questions about this after I've had a chance to play with it.

    Kathy Pate

    Toray Carbon Fibers America

    Decatur, AL 35601