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Disabling - Horn Enable/Disable from DV Graphics Alarm Banner


Just wanted to ask how to disable the HORN ENABLE/DISABLE button in the DV Graphics Alarm Banner when an operator is logged in or probably keep it hidden when an operator is logged in.

We wanted to enable the alarm sound and avoid operator disabling the horn button in graphics. Thank you in advance.

6 Replies

  • I added vb script to the bmpHornEnable object in the Alarm Banner to prevent anyone without config rights from disabling the Horn.

    If frsReadValue("THISUSER/CAN_CONFIG.F_CV") Then
    frsCommonTasks "HornDisable"
    End If

    Otherwise, either delete or comment out frsCommonTasks "HornDisable".
  • You can edit the Alarm Banner and apply animation to this icon/button. If you use multiple Alarm Banners for different console layouts, you will need to edit each of these.

    You can determine if some one is logged on, ie not None, and develop the criteria for enabling this, possibly based on workstations. Your Engineering and maintenance stations may still want to disable the horn as it is not primarily intended for them. Removing the button is a bit drastic and affects all users/stations.

    The User_preferences file is often used to initialize desired conditions. You could create a global variable that is set in this FXG file on each console, and then use this variable as part of the animation of the disable horn button, rather than try to write an all those one time setup conditions.

    The animation evaluates continuously in the alarm banner, and that would be a good place to monitor for runtime changing conditions, such as logged on user.

    By hiding the button, it cannot be activated. You can also add a transparent box on top of the button, shading out the button, but leaving it still visible, thereby still showing the Enable/Disable state, but preventing the user from being able to activate that button. Place the visibility animation on this box, so that when it is visible, the button is stippled or greyed out, and when not visible, the button appears normal and can be clicked.

    If you evaluate the current user's assigned privileges, you can provide a way for certain users to have access to this button when they are logged in.

    I would also make sure the HORN is enabled when an operator logs back into the console if they will not have access to enable it. You could also use the state of the Alarm Enable so that when it is disabled, it can always be enabled. Once Enabled the current user on that station can't disable it without required privilege.

    Another option is to add a parameter write to a module parameter when ever this button is pressed. This would log an event in EJournal documenting who where and when the button was used. Then, as Operators, they can be given responsibility for its use, knowing this is being recorded. And one could add a timer to re-enable the horn after a set time, ensuring no one leaves it disabled unintentionally.

    So many ways to manage this button. All starts with animation of the button or an overlay square and some logic. Don't forget the error checking so you never end up with a disabled Horn and the logged on operator cannot enable it.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    You can do this and not do any graphic modifications by changing the HENAB Field Security Lock to something that Operators don't have access (default is Alarms which they do). Something like Tuning where some "supervisory" accounts could still access but not Operators.
  • In reply to KeithStThomas:

    Thank you Keith for this vb script, I'll try this out.
  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Thank you for the detailed explanation and different options as well Andre, I like the transparent square overlay option as well, simple and as like what you said we can still see the status of the horn if ever.
  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    Thank you Matt, I think this is even better, I'll go through all the suggested ways and will see which one we can use. Thank you so much