Deltav - STAHL IS IO (Channel Diagnostic Alarms)

Hi all,

I have recently carried out some modifications to our system and once i downloaded them to their controller i am having issues with open loop alarms on our STAHL IS IO that is attached to the controller.  If we open IO Channel on any card to test for a BAD_PV then the whole rack fails and every signal on the rack shows a BAD_PV, we have tried to roll back the system to a previous back up but the issues remains.  we have not altered any of the diagnostic settings associated with the Io signals.

Our modifications included adding a new Profibus card to position 24 and we have added additional IO to this card i cant say that we have always had this issue (As i have just looked at another area on plant with STAHL and this is also doing the something) but i would like to know if anyone in the community has ever got the IO Channel alarms working correctly?