Securtiy specifications for MODBUS TCP port at PK controller

Hello world.

Perfoming a cyber security risk assessment, the auditor raised the question how the ACN ports on a PK controller are seperated and protected from the ports used for MODBUS TCP communication to different field devices.

I used to the different DeltaV security handbooks and manuals, I can handle the defence in depth strategy quite well (hopefully), but I haven´t found some kind of description or internal wiring scheme to answer this question.

Any ideas or experiences?

Thanks! Regards, Stefan

Stefan Müllner
Senior Plant Engineer - Automation & Systems

KremsChem Austria GmbH

  • Hi Stefan,

    This information is available in the DeltaV Security Manual including recommendations as to what should be done following Emerson's best practices. Obviously, internal logical diagrams or how things are done within the Emerson platform are considered intellectual property, but what is user accessible, and sufficient for your discussions, are readily available in the manual.

    I'd also encourage you reaching out to Emerson cybersecurity experts for additional support you might need.



  • In reply to Alexandre Peixoto:

    Hi. Thanks, your´re right. I now found some explanations at chapter 4.4 "Controllers" of the DeltaV Security Manual v5.1.1. Not realy the internal wiring diagram - that´s okay, I have no time left to remanufacture the PK :-) - but another sort of detailed answers.

    Stefan Müllner
    Senior Plant Engineer - Automation & Systems

    KremsChem Austria GmbH