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Floating Point Array


I'm using the floating point array to store data but want to be able to trend the internal values. The CV of the array is showing as zero when I trend it despite the array containing values. What am I looking at here? Is there a way to use the history collection or something similar to store all the data points but just as the single array?

Best regards,


3 Replies

  • I'm not sure what "CV of the array" would be. The Floating Point Array parameter would have CVs for each element within the array.

    Refer to the Books Online topic entitled "Configuration history collection for array parameters" for details on how to add elements of the floating point array to your History Collection List, and how to view that historical data in a PHV Chart.
  • In reply to Duane Harnish:

    Thanks for your response. Really cleared up what I'm trying to do. cheers
  • In reply to Duane Harnish:

    be aware that Arrays do not communicate like individual parameters. An Array update will be no faster than every 5 seconds. If you are interested in trending the values faster than this, (i.e. 1 or 2 seconds) the history and live trends will only show every 5 seconds in a 1 second module.

    Andre Dicaire