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CHARM IOs controller assignment

Hello to all, I just needed some help regarding the CHARM IOs assignment to a controller.

Here's the setup:

I have CIOC-02 assigned to CTLR-01 and the CHARMS in it are all assigned to CTLR-01 (it has CHARM Baseplates 1 to 4). Now, we have added CHARM Baseplate 5 & 6 for a new project but this is in a different Line (We have Line 2,3 & 4). We wanted to assign the CHARM IOs in baseplate 5 & 6 to CTLR-02 (another controller). Is it possible or ok to do that even though the main CIOC-02 is only assigned to CTLR-01?

We have 2 CIOCs that are assigned to both CTLR-01 & CTLR-02, do I have to that as well to CIOC-02 to avoid issues? Thank you in advance.

17 Replies

  • In reply to dolatrec:

    I forgot that the IO license Demand does not show CHARM IO licensing by controller. We cannot tell by this tool how many IO are assigned to each controller.

    You clarified you have SQ controllers and not SX. I'd say you're in pretty good shape for loading at 46% and 60% capacity.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    We do have SX and SQ. CTLR-01 is SX and CTLR-02 is SQ but we do have a plan to change SQ to SX this coming October during our plant shutdown. The existing SQ that we are replacing will probably install it as well as a back up in case we need it for controller load distribution once we have the new Line 5