Shuffling the Named state of EM namedset without affecting the references

Hi All...

Is it possible to reshuffle an EM-named set (let's say move the named state in the named set with value 2 to value 5 and the one in value 5 to value 2) while it's connected to the EM and other references? .


If not is there any workaround for the same without affecting the references and the connected EM (The only change in the EM needed is the named state which was at 2 before and now moved to 5, will be showing as the Name for COMMAND_00005).

Thanks for your time..

9 Replies

  • I have had to do this before and if I remember correctly it can be a bit tricky.

    I think what I did was...

    Lets say the names are currently Name02 and Name05

    Open the named set.

    Rename Name02 to Name02_OLD then click OK make sure to close the window.

    Open the named set.

    Rename Name05 to Name02 then click OK and close the window.

    Open the named set.

    Rename Name02_OLD to Name 05 then click OK and close the window.

    If I remember correctly you will see the change take affect in the EM at this point.

    Download the Changed Setup Data to the controllers/ workstations.

    This should change the COMMAND_0000x names in the EM.

    If this is and SFC it doesn't move the SFC from 2 to 5 or 5 to 2 they will stay in the COMMAND where they were.

    This will also change every EM where this named set is used just be sure that is what you want.

    Hopefully this is helpful and everything goes smoothly DeltaV can be a bit finicky when it comes to named sets.

  • In reply to Adam Villhauer:

    The system really isn't very nice to be able to do this, do you have all the command logic written already or just starting and want to re-arrange?

    If your EM has logic already written, you need to be very careful in the process as there are cases when the logic will get deleted. Suggest that if you have written the code already that you convert the command to a new linked composite so you have it before doing any changes to the named set. Rearrange and then link the correct command to the linked commands you created and then convert to embedded again.
  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    Hi Matt,

    My EM is already FAT tested but yet to import to the site system.

    I tried as Adam says, but found that the External references connected to the individual Named state is also changing reference which I don't want to happen. My only requirement is to have the Name I provided for Command 2 to move to Command 5 and the one in Command 5 to be at Command 2.

    I tried another approach by creating a new namedset and connecting the EM to this namedset and deleting the Named state at 2 & 5 and again adding it. I found that if I do this the Sequence in Command 2 & 5 is fully deleted. In this case, my only option is to copy the whole sequence inside the Command 2 & 5 from the backup, but the other references of individual named state are still connected to old namedset and I don't know how to bring them to the new namedset.
  • In reply to Adam Villhauer:

    Hi Adam,

    I tried this, and as you said the external references of these states are also changing to the new name...I want to change only the Command name for Command_0002 & Command_0005 while keeping the references to the named state as it is..(the reference connected to Name 05 should be still connected to Name 05).
  • In reply to Senthilkrishnan M:

    I forgot about the external references changing as well, but that makes sense.

    I am not sure how many external references you have but you should be able to change back to the correct name. That does mean that you would have to download any module that you change the reference in and I know that is not always an option.

    I am sure that I am not understanding the full scenario of what you are trying to accomplish.

    But my other thought is that it might be easier to keep the original name set and just copy the sequence from COMMAND_02 to COMMAND_05 and vice versa.

    This would keep the correct name set for the external references and as long as you are calling out the name set to run the EM and not calling out COMMAND_000002 for example then I think it could be an easier way around this issue.

  • In reply to Senthilkrishnan M:

    Before you tie the new named set....convert the Commands you are moving to a new Linked composite (saving the logic) and then you can link to the new named set and then you can relink the proper command to the saved linked composite.

    Not understanding the external references comment as I would think that if it was looking at Command 2 and you move that to 5, wouldn't you want that reference to move to 5 as well?
  • In reply to Adam Villhauer:

    Yes Adam,

    The external reference which are referring to the named state (for example lets say I want to shuffle 2 named states BACKWASH (in Command 2) and CEB (in command 5) of _CR_LOSAL_UF named set), then once I rename anyone at the namedset level all these references which are in another higher level module (which is driving these EM ) are also changing.. so once I am done with this.. the reference outside this EM which were referring to backwash are changed to CEB which is the issue I have..

    I believe the only possibility is to rename at named set level (& change the Command 0002 logic to Command 0005 and vice versa) and individually change the other module references again. :(
  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    Hi Matt,

    As I have replied to Adam, the references I am talking about are from other higher level module which is driving this EM, thankfully I don't have much of these as of now, so I have to rename the named state in the namedset, interchange the logic between Command_0002 & Command_0005 and then change the other module reference to the original name..(which would have also renamed as per the renamed named state).

    I don't see any option for making the Command as composite as only Drill down option is showing for these commands.. So I can only copy & paste in another embedded block and then copy back again once I have changed at the namedset level and verified that the names are changed at EM level..
  • In reply to Adam Villhauer:

    The main request from customer is to move the Command_0005 logic and name to Command_0002 so they want to see CEB as Command_0002 and Backwash as Command_0005 while now the EM is showing CEB as command_0005 & Backwash as Command_0002