Looking to trend the output of a Boolean Fan In function block. Is there a way to differentiate between the inputs using the OUT_INT value on a trend? Instead of having multiple parameters to trend is it possible to view just one parameter which would indicate which input is active? I'm not 100% sure on how the Boolean Fan In operates.
Best regards,
Andre Dicaire
In reply to Andre Dicaire:
In reply to Wilson Halligan:
If you click the Use rich formatting option when commenting you should then get an interface that has an insert menu option where you can pick an image to upload.
Windows Calculator on PCs has an option to select Programmer which will show you the Binary bit pattern for the decimal number entered. I have also created in iFix for a customer to help people where you enter the number and it outputs what that is. So there are things that can be used/done to help.
In reply to SBPosey:
In reply to Matt Stoner:
Thanks for the info. Is there a function block that can convert decimal to Mask? or decimal to binary? Tried to script something but failing miserably!