PHV Display with Button on Graphic

Hi All,

Added some parameters to a History Collection of a control module and want to display them on a PHV from a button on a graphic. As simple as this sounds I'm not too sure where to go from here or how to approach this best... Any help is appreciated.

Did I even need to add parameters to the History Collection in the first place?



  • Hi, Will,

    Displaying a PHV chart from a display using either is possible.
    Are you using DeltaV Operate or DeltaV Live for your operator interface?

    Regarding adding the parameters to History Collection, doing so allows the PHV chart to open with historical data displayed; without the parameters in the Historian, the chart will open and then start displaying the data.
  • In reply to JDWheelis:

    Thank you for the response. I am using DeltaV Operate. I have the parameters already added to the History Collection, which is good. From the DV Operate Configure when I select the button and select "Open PHV Expert" from the toolbox I link it to the Control Module, but when I open it on DV Operate it brings up a PHV of the control module MSTATUS.CV. How do I point it to one of the parameters in the History Collection list?


  • In reply to Wilson Halligan:

    Opening PHV to a specific module and parameters can be done in three ways, all of which use the Command Line Interface (CLI) syntax defined in BOL for the program CHS.exe. The Button script will run this program with the provided arguments to do what you need.

    1. Create a CHART in PHV with the module/parameters defined explicitly and save this. The command simply needs to be opened by name.

    2. Create a CHART in PHV and configure the pens with @mod@ wild card for module name. Then the CLI syntax will open this file and pass the module name. PHV will do a substitution in the file. (This is how Faceplate linked Charts are configured and opened. View the script on a faceplate button to see this syntax.

    3. Open an Adhoc PHV chart and pass the desired parameters for the pens as arguments. The add to chart option on Dynamos uses this method to build the CLI list of pen parameters and executes this syntax to open a chart with selected parameters.

    BOL section on PHV CLI explains all the arguments, including time window for the chart.

    If you plan to do this for multiple modules with the same parameter structure (i.e. path), option 2 would likely be the best approach. One file in PHV to manage and provide consistent look and feel.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Wilson Halligan:

    One way to add the function of opening a PHV chart for the data you want starts with creating a chart using PHV. In PHV, select File -> New then the type of chart you want - E+Chart, Chart. When the chart dialog opens, add the parameters you want, finish the chart with a Title, etc. then File -> Save As ... to name and save the chart into the default Charts directory. Say you name the chart PHV-Chart.phve (PHV adds the extension - .phve for Event-Chart, .phvc for Chart type).

    In DeltaV Operate configure, add a button (Button1 - if not already added), then use the right-click menu to select Edit Script. Make sure the Click event is selected in the top-right drop-down box for Button1.

    Add the line:
    FRSRUNTASK "Chs.exe", "PHV-Chart.phve" (using your button object name and your chart name)
    between the Private Sub Button1_Click()
    End Sub.

    The result would be:

    Private Sub Button1_Click()
    FRSRUNTASK "Chs.exe", "PHV-Chart.phve"
    End Sub

    This should do what you described.

    The Open PHV Expert toolbox button brings up the standard chart for the module type - loop.phve for a loop, for example, and some standard and generic - probably mostly empty - chart for a module not created from a template.
