SQ Controller Error Message during download : The target node is currently transferring configuration to its redundant partner.

Hello Everyone, 

I’m more frequently getting the error message “The target node is currently transferring the configuration to its redundant partner and cannot be downloaded at this time. Wait a few minutes and try to download again” while downloading the control modules. I would like to know the cause behind this error message and the troubleshooting steps to prevent this behavior of the controller.

3 Replies

  • It is normal to get this message if two consecutive downloads are performed without giving ample amount of time to redundant controllers to sync with each other. During download only one controller will control the operations as other controller is being downloaded so if another download request will be initiated then it will be declined unless both controllers are sync and back in redundant operations.
  • In reply to Rizwan:

    Yeah. I usually get this error whenever I do consequent downloads, but not always.
  • In reply to Rishi:

    What is your controller loading? Free processor time and free memory?