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ISA 18.2 Annunciated alarm definition

I have an alarm that has a priority of (advisory)...The alarm is not on the alarm banner.  the alarm is only seen on the dynamo on the particular screen it is drawn on.  Is this considered an "annunciated" alarm?  Should this be counted as one of the alarms for the ISA 18.2 KPI metric:  Alarm/10minute.

1 Reply

  • I think what you are saying is that the Advisory alarm is intentionally not being presented on the Alarm Banner, and only visible in the displayed graphic.

    Removing alarms from the alarm banner does not change the rate of alarms per minute. It just makes it harder for the Operator to know they've occurred. Typically, most alarms are prioritized as Advisory, or Low Priority

    It's your choice as to where you set the Threshold for alarms on the Alarm Banner. But an alarm is an alarm. If the Operator is expected to take action, and by definition that is the purpose of an Alarm, then you have to count these in the KPI.

    The solution is to reduce the occurrence of the alarm, which means ensuring it has appropriate trip and hysteresis settings, appropriate filters to eliminate chatter, and is enabled only when it is needed, i.e. State Based Alarming. And of course, ensuring that the control strategies are optimized to reduce variability.

    My opinion, anyway.

    Andre Dicaire