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yellow pages

We have used DV for years without yellow pages.  We copied everything out using batch files.  We just updated to version 14 and are now trying to learn and use yellow pages.   i have experimented a bit and understand some but the one thing i do not understand is how the yellow pages directory structure gets created on a work station.   For example i have a work station that does not have the any underlying folders in the yellow pages PIC folder.   There should be folders like Detail, DetailFB, etc in the PIC directory but they are not there. 

Is the structure in the yellow pages directory manually created or does it somehow get replicated out from the proplus?  If it comes from the proplus, then what causes it to replicate?  I downloaded the proplus and the workstation to no avail.  

Any help and guidance is greatly appreciated!  

4 Replies

  • The Yellow pages are used by the DeltaV program as a helping tool to distribute (synchronise) graphics etc over the workstations. The directory / file structure is the same as on the workstations / ProPlus and is created by DeltaV.
    In general the user does not have to take care of anything in relation to the Yellow Pages.
    You mention that after a download you don't see the creation of the Yellow Pages. It should happen at least on the ProPlus. When the creation is not done at the workstation, there is a chance that the primary and secundary network connections at either the ProPlus or the workstation are interchanged. Check Diagnostics whether this is the case.
    When a download is done, the system compares the file-dates of the relevant files (graphics etc) and chooses the most recent file to distribute through the Yellow pages. This proces is executed (only) for downloaded workstations. Even a download of 'Set-up data' will synchronise files.

    Hope this helps.
  • In reply to Maarten van der Waal:

    Thanks for the feedback. The primary and secondary are correct. ISorry, but my phrasing of my question was not clear. My issue and question is how does the file structure in the yellow pages folder on a workstation get created? Does yellow pages create the structure or do i need to create the structure manually.
  • In reply to doug bray:

    The filestructure in the Yellow pages is (or should) be created by DeltaV. The user is not supposed to change anything in the Yellow Pages.
    When the Yellow Pages is not or not correctly created, you should contact your Emerson contact to investigate why the Yellow Pages are not created and active.
    Good luck!
  • Probably stating the obvious but have you enabled auto-update for displays on the client workstations? Look in DeltaV | Engineering | Auto-Update Service. This is for 13.3.1 - I assume it's the same for 14