  • Avoiding Unplanned Downtime with Smart Pneumatic and Hydraulic Valve Monitoring

    A Forbes article, Unplanned Downtime Costs More Than You Think , cites this statistic: An overwhelming 82% of companies have experienced at least one unplanned downtime incident over the past three years. Most have suffered two or more. In an article, Outperforming traditional Valve design meets smart monitoring system for pneumatic and hydraulic valve actuators , Emerson’s Knut Riegel shares ways…
  • Avoiding Unplanned Downtime with Smart Pneumatic and Hydraulic Valve Monitoring

    A Forbes article, Unplanned Downtime Costs More Than You Think , cites this statistic: An overwhelming 82% of companies have experienced at least one unplanned downtime incident over the past three years. Most have suffered two or more. In an article, Outperforming traditional Valve design meets smart monitoring system for pneumatic and hydraulic valve actuators , Emerson’s Knut Riegel shares ways…
  • Meeting Safety Challenges in Hydrogen Applications

    Pressure safety valves (PSVs) play a vital role in ensuring the safe operation of industrial processes and equipment by preventing overpressure situations that could lead to serious accidents causing injuries or even fatalities, as well as significant environmental damage. PSVs are particularly crucial in high-pressure hydrogen systems due to the safety challenges associated with hydrogen gas. These challenges include…
  • Meeting Safety Challenges in Hydrogen Applications

    Pressure safety valves (PSVs) play a vital role in ensuring the safe operation of industrial processes and equipment by preventing overpressure situations that could lead to serious accidents causing injuries or even fatalities, as well as significant environmental damage. PSVs are particularly crucial in high-pressure hydrogen systems due to the safety challenges associated with hydrogen gas. These challenges include…
  • Transforming Production with Fluid Power and Robotics

    In today competitive landscape, manufacturers are facing lots of pressure to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and keep workers safe. One common solution they rely on, to address these challenges is usually found in Robotics. For example, in the automotive industry alone, more than one million robots are currently utilized. They play a critical role in the transformation of the factory floor, and one element is particularly…
  • Safety Instrumented System Born Digital

    At the Emerson Exchange Immerse conference, the user community was treated to a presentation on how safety instrumented systems were incorporated into PureCycle Technology ‘s “ Born Digital ” strategy. PureCycle Technologies transforms polypropylene (PP) plastic into a versatile, replenishable resource through a unique purification process that separates color, odor, and other contaminants into ultra-pure recycled resin…
  • Safety Instrumented System Born Digital

    At the Emerson Exchange Immerse conference, the user community was treated to a presentation on how safety instrumented systems were incorporated into PureCycle Technology ‘s “ Born Digital ” strategy. PureCycle Technologies transforms polypropylene (PP) plastic into a versatile, replenishable resource through a unique purification process that separates color, odor, and other contaminants into ultra-pure recycled resin…
  • Streamlining SIS Proof Testing & Operational Workflows

    Bayer’s Steven Scherich , Experitec’s Ty Murphy , and PROCONEX’s Maury Bayer presented Thousands of Pages Gone. Digital Workflow and Testing with ProofCheck, one year Later at the 2023 Emerson Exchange Immerse Conference. Here is their presentation abstract. Paper & inked signatures are often used to test, document, and perform manual workflow, safety/equipment validation, printing, executing, and maintaining procedures…
  • Streamlining SIS Proof Testing & Operational Workflows

    Bayer’s Steven Scherich , Experitec’s Ty Murphy , and PROCONEX’s Maury Bayer presented Thousands of Pages Gone. Digital Workflow and Testing with ProofCheck, one year Later at the 2023 Emerson Exchange Immerse Conference. Here is their presentation abstract. Paper & inked signatures are often used to test, document, and perform manual workflow, safety/equipment validation, printing, executing, and maintaining procedures…
  • Driving Safer Chemical Manufacturing Performance

    Safety is consistently among the highest priorities for manufacturers and producers. Critical goals are to avoid safety incidents, keep site personnel safe, protect the community around you, protect the environment as a whole, and improve your corporate financial health. A robust safety culture has many facets, including occupational safety, containment safety, process safety, and functional safety. I caught up with…
  • Driving Safer Chemical Manufacturing Performance

    Safety is consistently among the highest priorities for manufacturers and producers. Critical goals are to avoid safety incidents, keep site personnel safe, protect the community around you, protect the environment as a whole, and improve your corporate financial health. A robust safety culture has many facets, including occupational safety, containment safety, process safety, and functional safety. I caught up with…
  • Reducing Emergency Response Times

    This week at the EHS (Environmental, Health & Safety) Seminar in Galveston, Texas, Emerson’s Michael Machuca had two presentations to give. In today’s post, I’ll cover the first, Digital Solutions to Reduce Emergency Response Time. He opened by noting how response time is critical in an emergency. Injuries are reduced the quicker people are out of harm’s way. Location awareness mustering digital technology can help…
  • Reducing Emergency Response Times

    This week at the EHS (Environmental, Health & Safety) Seminar in Galveston, Texas, Emerson’s Michael Machuca had two presentations to give. In today’s post, I’ll cover the first, Digital Solutions to Reduce Emergency Response Time. He opened by noting how response time is critical in an emergency. Injuries are reduced the quicker people are out of harm’s way. Location awareness mustering digital technology can help…
  • Guide for Interpreting Hazardous Area Electrical Requirements

    For U.S. manufacturers and producers, the National Electric Code (NEC) governs how the installation of electrical components in hazardous areas needs to be performed. Here is the history of the NEC from the National Fire Protection Association. In 1897, NFPA 70 , National Electrical Code (NEC ) , set the foundation for—and remains the world’s leading authority on—electrical safety in residential, commercial, and industrial…
  • Guide for Interpreting Hazardous Area Electrical Requirements

    For U.S. manufacturers and producers, the National Electric Code (NEC) governs how the installation of electrical components in hazardous areas needs to be performed. Here is the history of the NEC from the National Fire Protection Association. In 1897, NFPA 70 , National Electrical Code (NEC ) , set the foundation for—and remains the world’s leading authority on—electrical safety in residential, commercial, and industrial…
  • Managing and Protecting Storage Tanks

    At the 4C Health, Safety & Environmental Conference , Emerson’s Dean Barnes and Mo Fazl presented How to Control and Reduce Tank Vent Fugitive Emissions and Maintenance Costs and Quantify Releases Through Proper Product Selection and Remote Monitoring. Here is his session abstract: Tank venting equipment such as blanketing regulators, thief hatches, pressure/vacuum relief valves and emergency vents are needed to safely…
  • Managing and Protecting Storage Tanks

    At the 4C Health, Safety & Environmental Conference , Emerson’s Dean Barnes and Mo Fazl presented How to Control and Reduce Tank Vent Fugitive Emissions and Maintenance Costs and Quantify Releases Through Proper Product Selection and Remote Monitoring. Here is his session abstract: Tank venting equipment such as blanketing regulators, thief hatches, pressure/vacuum relief valves and emergency vents are needed to safely…
  • Safety Shower and Location Awareness Wireless Monitoring

    In an earlier post, How Digital Transformation Can Impact Compliance for Environmental and Safety Regulation , I shared some safety examples. Emerson’s Marcio Donnangelo explored specific examples more deeply in his 2023 4C HSE conference presentation, Safety Showers and Location Awareness – Improving Safety with Wireless Monitoring. Marcio opened describing three ways to help create a safe environment for all plant…
  • Safety Shower and Location Awareness Wireless Monitoring

    In an earlier post, How Digital Transformation Can Impact Compliance for Environmental and Safety Regulation , I shared some safety examples. Emerson’s Marcio Donnangelo explored specific examples more deeply in his 2023 4C HSE conference presentation, Safety Showers and Location Awareness – Improving Safety with Wireless Monitoring. Marcio opened describing three ways to help create a safe environment for all plant…
  • Reducing Personnel Emergency Response Times

    In an earlier post, Connecting with Experts in the Spring Event Season , I highlighted one of Greg McMillan ’s presentations at the 2023 Spring AIChE & Congress on Process Safety meeting . Today I’ll recap a few things from Jacob Tardoni ’s presentation that he shared this week. Jacob’s presentation, Mapping an Evacuation in Real-Time—Digital Mustering with Wireless Personnel Location Technology, explored barriers to…
  • Reducing Personnel Emergency Response Times

    In an earlier post, Connecting with Experts in the Spring Event Season , I highlighted one of Greg McMillan ’s presentations at the 2023 Spring AIChE & Congress on Process Safety meeting . Today I’ll recap a few things from Jacob Tardoni ’s presentation that he shared this week. Jacob’s presentation, Mapping an Evacuation in Real-Time—Digital Mustering with Wireless Personnel Location Technology, explored barriers to…
  • Two-Solenoid Safety Instrumented Functions

    The practice of process safety has its own language, including concepts such as PFDavg, 1oo2 (one out of two), 2oo2, 2oo3, etc. A whitepaper, Doubling Up On Safety (signup required for download), explores a two-solenoid safety methodology that lets you exercise your solenoid valve online—protecting your plant, improving uptime, and enabling you to better adhere to functional safety requirements. The solenoid valves…
  • Two-Solenoid Safety Instrumented Functions

    The practice of process safety has its own language, including concepts such as PFDavg, 1oo2 (one out of two), 2oo2, 2oo3, etc. A whitepaper, Doubling Up On Safety (signup required for download), explores a two-solenoid safety methodology that lets you exercise your solenoid valve online—protecting your plant, improving uptime, and enabling you to better adhere to functional safety requirements. The solenoid valves…
  • Simplifying Safety Valve Installation and Maintenance

    Emerson Portfolio Manager Kurtis Jensen and Product Manager Lura Parrent recently published an article in the Jan 2023 issue of Hydrocarbon Processing . It is titled “ Simplifying Safety Valve Installation and Maintenance ” and it discusses new technologies on how to simplify safety valve installations while improving performance and reliability. The article is summarized below. Hazardous materials and dangerous reactions…
  • Simplifying Safety Valve Installation and Maintenance

    Emerson Portfolio Manager Kurtis Jensen and Product Manager Lura Parrent recently published an article in the Jan 2023 issue of Hydrocarbon Processing . It is titled “ Simplifying Safety Valve Installation and Maintenance ” and it discusses new technologies on how to simplify safety valve installations while improving performance and reliability. The article is summarized below. Hazardous materials and dangerous reactions…