• Not Answered

Stop drilling holes in your pipes!

How to get accurate measurement without compromising the integrity of your pipes?

Find out how the non-intrusive method of measuring corrosion and erosion works for you.

What if:

  • you could increase the amount of information on corrosion and erosion, with no process penetration while reducing scaffolding costs and improving safety & reliability?
  • you can make sure the dangerous chemicals are safely contained in your pipes?
  • you could enhance your production profitability while managing the safety of your plant and the integrity of your assets directly from your computer?

Join us for an interactive presentation where Neil Hankey, Manager Acquisitions and Integrations will explain how you can achieve all this.

You will learn:

  • how to use the latest innovative tehnologies to make these measurements;
  • minimise the risk of unplanned outage;
  • avoid the risk of loss of containment;
  • maximising production rate; whilst validating that sand erosion and corrosion are kept in check.

You can register by clicking HERE

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