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We just recently installed a WIOC for use with our DeltaV system.  On the Wireless Field Link, the display scrolls through several parameters such as Link Usage % and Radio Usage %.  But, I can't find those parameters in DeltaV diagnostics (or anywhere else).  Does anyone know of a way to pull these in to DeltaV.  These parameters would be great to keep track of, but I really don't want to climb up to where the Remote Links are installed to read the values.

10 Replies

  • Hello David,  can you please copy and post your question on the DeltaV group forum as well? You may get a quicker response, the group there is extremely active. :)

    Best Regards,

    Rachelle McWright: Business Development Manager, Dynamic Simulation: U.S. Gulf Coast

  • Hi David, the parameters such as Link Usage % and Radio Usage % shown on the Wireless Field Link, are not exposed to either DeltaV Diagnostic or AMS EDD based Screens, as they are intended to show locally (using the Display) that the 781 is in working conditions. As soon as the 781 will experience Problems with the Network, his Integrity shown in DeltaV Diagnostic will be marked as Bad, and the WIOC will get triggered to switch over (to his redundant partner) so the other 781 will become the active Antenna

  • In reply to Klaus Erni:

    I don't understand why these parameters aren't exposed to DeltaV Diagnostics.  Wouldn't it be better to get early indication of a possible problem instead of waiting for the WIOC to switch over - when it's too late to take preventative action?

  • In reply to David Nelson:

    Well, there is maybe room for improvement here, but currently that's the way it works ! Are you using a redundant setup ?

  • In reply to Klaus Erni:

    Yes, we have a redundant setup.  But, if the Radio Usage % is approaching 100%, a switchover isn't going to help.  The way to correct that issue would be to slow the update rate of the field instruments, or add a WIOC and move some of the instruments to the new network.  

  • This is where a tool like Network Navigator comes in handy during system planning.


    On 3 May 2014, at 6:09 am, "David Nelson" <bounce-David_Nelson@community.emerson.com> wrote:

    Yes, we have a redundant setup.  But, if the Radio Usage % is approaching 100%, a switchover isn't going to help.  The way to correct that issue would be to slow the update rate of the field instruments, or add a WIOC and move some of the instruments to the new network.  

    Craig Abbott - Wireless Specialist (South Eastern Australia)

  • In reply to Craig Abbott:

    Where do I find more information on Network Navigator?  

  • In reply to David Nelson:


    My recommendation would be to look at the AMS Wireless Snap-On. Network Navigator is mainly for 1410 and 1420 gateways at this time. You have DeltaV and I would assume you have AMS Device Manager installed which means adding the Wireless Snap-On is easy.

    You can find more info here: www2.emersonprocess.com/.../SNAPONapplications.aspx


  • In reply to David-m.walker:


    An earlier response above stated that the parameters I am looking for are not available in the AMS Snap-on, so purchasing additional software doesn't help me.  The 2 parameters I was asking about are not the only ones I would like to monitor – maybe some of these other parameters are available in the Snap-on.  While the WIOC is a native DeltaV device, it appears that very little information that would enable monitoring of the WIOC and individual device health is exposed to DeltaV diagnostics – which is a little disappointing.

  • David,
      I am all for exposing as many diagnostics parameters as possible to engineers and also agree that if the radio network is saturated, then a redundant fail over will not help. Suggestions for parameters to be viewable should be made to Rosemount, Process Systems & Solutions and Remote Automation Solutions simultaneously so that there is consistency across the groups as to what data is made available.
    The suggestion of using additional software is that there is a function within the available tools calculate network usage upon demand, and therefore remaining capacity. If you are concerned about system load, then there is already a manual tool that could be utilised on any change to the network: http://www3.emersonprocess.com/rosemount/SWirelessGCEstimator/Default.html

    Craig Abbott - Wireless Specialist (South Eastern Australia)