• Not Answered

Modernize? Permission Granted!

Have you finally been given the "green light" to Modernize? Great! Now… where do you start? We recognize that for many clients, modernization is a rare occurrence, maybe even a once-in-a-career event. Do you even know what questions to ask?

These are the kind of questions Emerson asks clients who have the green light (or even a yellow light!):

  • What specifically is the pain or opportunity? Adding-on to an existing area/process? New area/Expansion? Straight replacement (upgrading)?

  • Are you having support issues with the existing system or devices?

  • Is this process primarily a continuous or a batch process?

  • Approximate # of I/O? (obviously we prefer to receive a full database for analysis)

  • Approximate # of Operator stations & screens?

  • Is migration to be done hot or cold cutover (any scheduled downtime)?

  • What historian is being used? Is this being upgraded as well?

  • Are there any other (plant level) network interfaces or applications to be concerned about? Serial interfaces, Advanced Controls 

Certainly, these are just a few things to be asking, and we’re eager to engage in a healthy discussion with others about these items & more.  Emerson Exchange can be your best opportunity to engage with Modernization Subject Matter Experts of many kinds; if you are attending, please look us up in the Exhibit Hall after hours! See you in Denver!