Hi All,
Does any one know how to find the DVDATA Root Directory within DeltaV Live/Typescript?
Summary of Problem:
Customer requirement is to allow for selection of different PHV charts for a given module.
For this Im currently usign ENV.RunAsnyc function to open CHS.exe for the specified PHV file which is working.
Unfortunetly as DVDATA/CHARTS/LIB may be installed on different drives I cant guarante the logic will always work across all stations. i.e C:/DVDATA or D:/DVADAT
From my reading HTML5 WEB API, does'nt have an real file system interface as I cant simply check if the file exists at either path when usign typescript.
In DeltaV Operate where DVDATA is located can be extracted from the VB variable "System.PicturePath", which is configured via DeltaV Operate System Configuration Utility.
Is there an equivalent/similar "System.PicturePath" for DeltaV Live which I could use to extract the folder location of the DVDATA folder.
Besides configurign a %DVDATA% environmental variable on all workstatiions does any body have an approach for providing the above requirement in DeltaV Live?
Andre Dicaire
In reply to Andre Dicaire:
Andre Dicaire (ADicaire)
Just tested this and would like to confirm you are a legend as it worked exactly as you described.
My own intial try failed as my charts were in "DeltaV\DVData\Charts\lib", so to remedy myfirst try I just needed to prefix my file name with "\lib" for the CHS Command to work with out specfifying the full diretory path. (i.e CHS "\lib\mychart.PHVE")
Everything else was good.
I even previously read (Obviously too fast) BOL "Customizing the Process History View/CLI for the Process History View" and missed this clear statement below which confirms what you wrote.
Thanks a million for you help on this, I completely went down the wrong rabbit hole on this one.