I have installed the DTMs for valvelink express on my laptop and am using pactware 4.1 as the frame to interrogate DVC positioners with HC electronics.
Connection and communication is fine, but the options available are zero for actually testing a valve. I want to step test a valve and to graphically review the result, but when selecting the step test, function, there is no graphical capability and I cannot get a stroke test to work, i.e. I enter the target value but nothing happens when I enter the value, and there is no button available on the screen to initiate a step test.
I can understand that advance diagnostics are likely not going to be available on the valve link express, but am surprised that a step test with graphical output is not available. Am I doing something wrong, or is the valvelink express intended for reading and writing data only?
I am an consultant engineer visiting a large number of different sites, so the licensing arrangement of being limited to a set number of tags doesnt work for me. I need a simple ability to carry out valve step tests and to view the results. Can anyone advise the best way to achieve this requirement.
Jeff R
Jeff, the DVC's with HC diagnostic tier don't allow you to run step diagnostics. You need at least an AD "Advanced Diagnostics" tier in the your DVC to do this. You can purchase a step-up from HC to AD from your Emerson Local Business Partner or Emerson Impact Partner. You will still need to upgrade your ValveLink Express too otherwise you will need an Updated 475 or a Emerson Trex Communicator.
Craig Jeane | Business Mgr., Severe Svc Puffer-Sweiven | 903 Highway 146 South | La Porte | Texas | 77571 | US A Member of the Emerson Impact Partner Network
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