Valve stroking time reference criteria at Valve assembly Shop & Site Condition

Dear Experts:

Could you please clarify how the requested stroking time for a control valve based on its assembly shop test results referenced in actual site condition?

 It’s my understanding that the tested valve with stringent stroking times such as <2 secs or <1 Secs at assembly shop may not stroke at same speed when it’s installed at customer piping with actual process pressure.

 Our actuators/springs are adequately selected to handle the dynamic & shutoff forces, however when it comes to stroke time they behave same? If not what would be the stroke time reference criteria between assembly shop & site condition. If no firm guidelines , could you please share the "acceptable" industry practices? Thanks



1 Reply

  • Giri,
    Fisher sizing program will be able to provide stroke time calculation using accessories like volume boosters (Cv of VB needs to be plugged in the program) to achieve desired stroke time specifically for Antisurge applications. Stroking test at bench should match the installed test in pipe under process based on algorithm used is sizing stroke speed in the Fisher sizing program. Would highly encourage to contact your local sales office and they will be glad to assist your query on standards used to calculate the stroking speed.