Fisher Service Presentations at the 2012 Emerson Exchange in Anaheim

Below are the service presentations for Fisher products at the 2012 Emerson Exchange in Anaheim:

“Rebuilding Valve Integrity Using General Customer Spec”
Tuesday at 8:00-8:45                               
Wednesday at 3:15-4:00
Presenter is Zach White

“Preventative Maintenance Using Valve Diagnostics”
Tuesday at 1:00-1:45                               
Wednesday at 2:15-3:00
Presenter is Martin Tucker

“Rebuild or Replace: Emerson Trim Evaluation Program Delivers Significant Savings for Odessa Power”
Tuesday at 3:00-3:45                               
Wednesday at 8:00-8:45
Presenter is Brock Fisher

“Who has time to pick up a penny... How about 107 million pennies!”
Wednesday at 11:00-11:45                              
Thursday at 4:15-5:00
Presenter is Oliver Perez

“OEM Expertise and Corporate Contract Improves Outage Performance”
Wednesday at 8:00-8:45                               
Thursday at 2:15-3:00
Presenter is LaVann Atkinson

“Valve Maintenance Planning for Turnarounds and Outages”
Friday at 8:00-9:00                                      
Friday at 10:00-11:00
Presenters are Scott Grunwald, Zach White, and Marc Higley

Check the information book or online scheduler for room locations.

  • The BP Texas City presentation "Who has time to pick up a Penny - How about 107 million pennies?" on how they implemented the tools and program for using diagnostics in maintenance is very interesting