Hot / wet or cold dry gas measurements

Did you know that cold dry measurements can be compromised in their accuracy if the chiller carrying out the water removal is not 100% efficient. One reason to require to remove the moisture is to minimise cross interferences from moisture content. The water removal can delay the response time and make the measurement in-accurate with some measurement techniques.

A quantum cascade laser based analyser works in the mid infra red where most gases have their primary absorbtions. When this attribute and the inherent high resolution capability are brought together one has a very effective measurement technique that can measure hot /wet.

By hot / wet we mean that we can measure at up to 190 deg c (this is usually above the dew point) and without drying the moisture from the gas sample. This technique makes the response time quicker as no delay takes place in the dryer and gives a more representative reading. If a "dry" measurement is required, we can convert the non moisture gas measurements to dry measurements by using the measured water reading in a conversion calculation.

This technique has been used many times by Cascade technologies in its analysers in combustion applications for end of line product testing and in marine CEMS.

Would your gas measurement application benefit from a hot / wet measurement ? This technique is now possible for multiple gas measurements in a single analyser from Cascade Technologies.