Pervasive sensing - sensor technologies such as pressure and temperature can often be slow to respond and provide limited information for decision making in a process plant.

Real time gas analysis from Cascade Technologies can be used for process control in fmcg and chemical refining processes.

As an example of pervasive sensing, cascades aerosol leak detection systems are used to ensure only high quality non leaking aerosol cans reach the market. Previously this quality control was carried out by placing filled cans in a hot water bath at 50degC and looking for bubbles. At speeds over 60 cans per minute this is not possible and generally only large leaks are detected.  Cascade has now installed over 100 leak detection systems in this market since the product launched in 2011.

What process are you aware of that could benefit from real time gas analysis rather than pressure or temperature? What about end of life / regeneration of catalysts? Drying of powders ?

Deployment of of rapid gas analysis is still in its infancy - we won't see customers asking for this as they don't necessarily know it's available so we need to educate, create awareness of the art of the possible..........