Thermowell Design Accelerator™︎ Makes Thermowell Designs Easy

Accurate temperature measurement is essential for optimal control of processes in industries such as electrical power generation, oil and gas refining, and chemical manufacturing. Even a slight variation, over a long duration, can alter a process outcome.

Thermowells are installed in piping and vessels to ensure accurate and reliable temperature measurement, while protecting temperature transmitters from extreme fluid temperatures and flow rates. However, thermowell design is a time intensive and complex process as each permutation must be calculated separately and if the results fail then that means redoing the calculations with new data inputs.

Installing the wrong thermowell can lead to potential leaks of process fluid, equipment damage or even injury to personnel. At the very minimum the problems it will cause is errors in measurement, which can significantly impact production.

The Solution

 What if we told you there is now a – free – tool available that accurately and quickly calculates the correct thermowell design? With RosemountTm Thermowell Design Accelerator what used to take up to 50 hours, can now be completed in 15 minutes.

When creating Thermowell Design Accelerator, we knew we were filling a critical need in the industry, so we developed the tool to cover all possible scenarios and take the burden of running each laborious calculation separately off your shoulders. Your engineers can now quickly calculate changes and ensure that thermowell designs are always accurate, up to code and right for the application.

Thermowell Design Accelerator provides reports for full traceability and history of calculations performed to meet application requirements. The visual indicators on the dashboard show errors with details for making informed decisions on designing your next thermowell.

 Watch this video to see just how easy it is to save more than 90% in thermowell calculation time. Results are fast and engineers can download reports, thermowells with matching sensor specifications, and model codes to share with procurement teams for easy purchase.


Increased Efficiency

To make the design process as smooth and efficient as possible, we included model codes that are automatically generated with the calculation results. Should you need to make changes, the Thermowell Design Accelerator can dynamically update drawings on-the-fly, always checking against the ASME PTC-19.3 TW (2016) criteria so you know you’re system is in compliance.

No more trial-and-error methods to find the right thermowell design that passes ASME standards. The time saved means resources can be deployed in other areas, increasing efficiency and productivity.

Troubleshooting complex thermowells that might be causing problems in your process can now be done in a matter of minutes instead of days; providing a solution that you can trust.

Try it, it’s Free

Learn more and try out the free RosemountTm Thermowell Design Accelerator

The post Thermowell Design AcceleratorTm Makes Thermowell Designs Easy appeared first on the Emerson Automation Experts blog.