one virtual controller question

system :3.3.1.  one virtual controller host on a win7 dell 990station, 14 virtual controllers.  virtual controller type: OCR161.

After all virtual controllers were loaded. part of digital points which belongs to drop14 can't be scanned off . there is a red alarm iron on drop14 at the bottom right corner.  when I make the scanned off or test mode operation. it will popup a window alert: change request rejected. but Analog points on Drop14 and all other controllers points can be scanned off successfully.  

Drop14 is a MEH controller. Points amount isn't  too much.

what i have done:

1. check the security setting, all security group was checked on the problem digital points.

2. clear drop14, reload. 

3. delete drop14 folder on virtual controller host station. c:\ovation\drop14. download and load again.

4. delete all logic and points. delete drop14 from studio. rebuild drop14 manually. import all points without logic. problem remains.

4. changed drop14 controller type to OCR 400. problem remains.

5. add a new drop15, add a digital test point: D15TEST1.  it can be scanned off successfully.

It seams not the control logic problem. but some attributions of drop14 points have problem. but I can't find out.

Very appreciate if you have any suggestions.

2 Replies

  • I suggest you separate 14 controllers into 2 VCH workstation. before that, you can try to move drop14 to another VCH and test first
    From: tim fu []
    Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 10:23 AM
    Subject: [EE365 Ovation Track] one virtual controller question

    system :3.3.1.  one virtual controller host on a win7 dell 990station, 14 virtual controllers.  virtual controller type: OCR161.

    After all virtual controllers were loaded. part of digital points which belongs to drop14 can't be scanned off . there is a red alarm iron on drop14 at the bottom right corner.  when I make the scanned off or test mode operation. it will popup a window alert: change request rejected. but Analog points on Drop14 and all other controllers points can be scanned off successfully.  

    Drop14 is a MEH controller. Points amount isn't  too much.

    what i have done:

    1. check the security setting, all security group was checked on the problem digital points.

    2. clear drop14, reload. 

    3. delete drop14 folder on virtual controller host station. c:\ovation\drop14. download and load again.

    4. delete all logic and points. delete drop14 from studio. rebuild drop14 manually. import all points without logic. problem remains.

    4. changed drop14 controller type to OCR 400. problem remains.

    5. add a new drop15, add a digital test point: D15TEST1.  it can be scanned off successfully.

    It seams not the control logic problem. but some attributions of drop14 points have problem. but I can't find out.

    Very appreciate if you have any suggestions.

  • Have all necessary ovation patches about sim controller been installed? if not, try again after installation of them.