I would like to know the name of block which shall act as a function of Greater than or equal to (>=). For example, Set point is 50. if IN1 = 50 then output = 1. if IN1 = 51 then output = 1. Software is Ovation 3.3
In reply to johnson.qian:
If I use HIGHMON considering setpoint 50 then my result will be if IN1 = 50 then output = 0. if IN1 = 51 then output = 1 but I need as like if IN1 = 50 then output = 1. if IN1 = 51 then output = 1
Hi JK. There is no algorithm where the output is true when greater than OR equal to a number. It only works if it is "greater than." If the setpoint is 50 and the value is 50 the output will be false. We recommend setting the value to something like 49.99.
In reply to Greg Schirm:
you can use COMPARE algorithm, with external input as setpoint. It has, OUT=1, if IN1=IN2.
In reply to Arun Prakash:
using COMPARE & OR together can meet your requirement.
"using COMPARE & OR together can meet your requirement."