first issue:
I commissioned and flashed a new CIOC to the newest firmware. I then downloaded the CIOC with no problems. Every node on my control network showed blue triangle in deltaV explorer when the CIOC was downloaded. I downloaded changed setup data on the proplus and still all blue triangles. I went ahead and downladed and assigned 1 CHARM on the new CIOC to a controller on the network. As soon as the CHARM was downloaded, my controller alarm came up on every operator station saying UOC10 (that's the controller name) (Failed Alarm: Cannot communicate with CIOC24-2 (which is the name of my new CIOC)). I changed the CHARM to undefined and downloaded it and the controller alarm went away.
---I was informed that I need to download changed setup data on the entire control network in order to update the node list table. Is this the case?
second issue:
The CIOC shows bad communication and then a few seconds later it shows "good". this pattern is repeated every few minutes. I currently have no secondary power to the CIOC, only primary power (waiting on shutdown to access the UPS circuit breaker panel to add a circuit). I dont think the power issue would cause this, but I am open to suggestions
we have DeltaV version 13.3.1
Any help would be appreciated.
Andre Dicaire
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