SIS graphic Object assignment Problem

Dear All

I've Installed PCSD_HCD , PCSDSIS_ESD AND PCSDSIS_PAS Library according to PCSD installation procedure(HMI and modules),
PCSD Module and HMI for HCD works without any problem(DCS and FCS modules).
the Main Problem is working with SIS composite and related HMI Object and faceplate.
in deltav explore I Create an SIF(Module), and insert some Composite for LSDI(for Example C_SDI_11MO130) , in Deltav Operate Configure software, use some SIS PAS object(dynSISDiscreteLink) and assign the composite path.

In Deltav operate run, while I clicking on the object got the following error :

"Object variable or with block variable not set"

SIS_TEST is Module Name and DI_FD is composite Name.
faceplate opens but no data fetches on it ,for all type PCSD_SIS(AI,DO,DI) Composite the same problem occurred.

any Idea?

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