When considering the scenario of a corona virus outbreak in the control room, what Emerson approved disinfectants should be used for the DCS computers and electronics? I am sure that there are many logical answers, but it is my hope that a response is provided by a qualified Emerson representative.
In reply to Rune Reppenhagen:
In reply to doug bray:
In reply to Jason.Brumfield:
In reply to RMartinez_T:
Thanks Raul. This is actually a very good idea I've seen implemented at other sites. This keeps the operator from worrying about passwords. I would assume that this "blank" display would also be lack the toolbars, so there may need to be an operator training on how to return to the directory. Perhaps the blank graphic would have a button that initiates an prompt that must be confirmed to return to a default graphic; and is located in an area not easily clicked?
The quad display issue you mentioned is worth paying attention to. Modern displays are often affected in the same way if they are connected to KVMs (as mentioned before), or if they support multiple local inputs. Turning these displays off often causes resolution issues that are not easy to recover without rebooting.Alternatively, if auto-login is setup, then turning the machines off should not be a problem in most cases.