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Remote Session on Operator Workstation

Good morning All.

I'm trying to understand the feasibility of a remote session on an operator workstation (no server).

I would connect to an operator workstation using the windows rdp and deltav remote session from a no deltav node.

Is this possible?

In any case (with workstation or with server) is it possible to install an operator workstation license not "Full span of control"?

This is because I need just a few DST license. I am looking at 100 DST operator station. Is this still available?

Thank you in advance.


3 Replies

  • technically yes, but this is not a factory supported method. That means, if you have issues, you must find a workaround as the product (deltaV software) would not be modified to address that issue. You also have to consider how you deploy this from a Cyber security perspective, and how you have licensed the Microsoft aspect of your system (RDP on the workstation and at the client). I am not sure if you can simply obtain a VDA license for the remote client that covers the use of RDP on both the client and for the OS of a physical machine. Emerson does not look to cover this in the licensing models. That, you'll have to investigate.

    As for using RDP on the Operator station, the RDP session connects to Session 0 and thus kicks out the local user if logged on. DeltaV has the DRDC (DeltaV Remote Desktop Client) which is an RDP wrapper that provides additional features to allow you to message the logged on user and request access. This is intended for VM Workstations with Thin Clients in a supported environment. Again, it is not tested for Physical machines, but is something you might want to check out.

    Another thing to consider is that the VM workstations are created using Windows 10 Enterprise edition. I have not verified in v14, but on previous versions, physical computers require the standard OS edition and DeltaV Does not install with Enterprise edition on Physical computers. Enterprise edition provides additional RDP capabilities to work with higher monitor counts and such. So RDP might be limited to single or dual monitor when connecting to the physical Windows computer. That is a limitation of the OS with RDP. Again, since this is unsupported, your only recouse is to make use of what is available.

    Once you've enabled RDP on the workstation, you may also need to adjust user privileges and or global policies to allow your user to logon to the session 0 via RDP. You can start with your admin privileged account to get things working and then work that back in the security settings to ensure the right level of user and network security access.

    I've done this internally for development systems. If you are thinking of doing this for a production system, you need to carefully consider your security requirements and whether you want an unsupported deployment. You're going to have to own the solution. (I'm not an IT support source)

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Good morning Andre,
    Thank you immediate reply.
    I apologize for my prevoius message. I was not really much clear.
    My purpose is to istall a DeltaV remote client session on one operator workstation like I did on my Professional Plus.
    I am looking to open a DeltaV session on one operator work station.
    It is not a pure rdp connetion but it is a DeltaV supperted one.
    While the phisical worktastion console is in use I would connect to it by opening a remote deltav session.
    Is that possible on an operator workstation?

    Is the 100 DST operator workstation licence available? I have it on my deltav system from my previous purchasing.

  • In reply to Gaetano Caputo:

    Gaetano, You cannot use an RDP connection to an Operator Workstation and use the local physical monitor and keyboard at the same time. Windows allows you to connect to the Session 0, or Console Session of the computer via RDP, or via a local monitor/keyboard connected to the computer. You cannot connect two sessions to the workstation.

    You either need to dedicate a computer for RDP access or use an RD Server. You can add a server that is setup as an RD server, then install DeltaV. This computer will be licensed with a Base Workstation license, which enables all the DeltaV communication functions. Then you can create Remote Clients in DeltaV Explorer on this workstation/server, and license these sessions for DeltaV Operator or Professional station. There would not be a local Operator station on this computer as it is a Server class machine and intended to serve the Remote sessions.

    Or you will need a dedicated workstation set up for RDP that you would use for remote connection. For local Operator, you need a separate computer. Note that you can use the RDP computer with local monitor and keyboard, but not while RDP session is active.

    Andre Dicaire