RE: [EE365 Delta Forum] RE: TIMEOUS: Error when using single CALC block. No error when code is split across two CALC blocks

Hi Trevor,
We are looking at application to set up ceramic impact pads and we see a need to transmit thickness or wear on ceramic in remote chute work. Can we Talk. Lee  
Thank you
Lee Osborne
CTI President
From: Trevor Osborne <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2020 9:32 AM
Subject: [EE365 DeltaV Forum] RE: TIME_TO_STR: Error when using single CALC block. No error when code is split across two CALC blocks

So, not more than 2 mins after I posted this I found a solution! :-D

By putting the IF statement before the TIME statement in a single CALC block it works without issue. That said, I have no idea why this is the case. If anyone has any ideas I'd be happy to hear them!

'^/PARAM1.CV' := "OK";
'^/PARAM1.CV' := "NOT OK";

'^/TIME.CV' := time_to_str("%h", time('$time_format:Local'));

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