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register a value over 24 hour period to capture highest number during that time.

Good morning, hope everyone has plans for a great holiday weekend.

I am wanting to monitor a conductivity number over 24 hour period and record the highest value during a 24 hour period and display it on my totalizer page. not quite sure how to go about it as we haven't done this anywhere else in the facility.

5 Replies

  • Did you want the highest value in a day, or the highest value in a rolling 24hr window?

    If you want the highest value in a day, say between 6am and 6am, then set a output parameter to zero at the start of the time period (a DTE block can generate a pulse bit at 6am), use the MAX function in a calc to compare the meter reading to the stored parameter reading. Store the new MAX reading to the output parameter . Zero it again at 6am the next day. repeat.

    If you want a rolling 24hr window, then you need to decide how frequently to sample the data. Store the data in a floating point array, which can hold 240 data points (which equates to a sample every 360 seconds), then build a function to select the MAX reading within the array. If you need faster sampling then try using more arrays, but I suspect the coding to support this will quickly become complicated.
  • In reply to KeithStThomas:

    the conductivity number goes up and down throughout the day. dependent on chemical process for treating water. what I need is the highest conductivity throughout the day. obviously a fast sampling would require a ton more coding I was just wondering if any had done it.
  • In reply to Tom Light:

    Use the first option than. You can sample at a fast rate and compare to a saved value with the MAX function in a calc block, and write the higher value back to the saved value location. Reset the saved value at the start of the day.
  • In reply to KeithStThomas:

    When I do this, I use a comparator block and use the GT to initiate an action block that writes the current value to the Disc_comp. A DTE can reset the value to zero whenever you wish to start over.
  • In reply to Jason.Brumfield:

    thanks Keith, we will give it a shot.