Fwd: Net work binding when using 4 NIC

In engineering station 4 nic cards are using
1. Deltav Secondary
2.Deltav Primary
3. Reomte Primary For GPS
4.Plant Lan for printer

Then how to give binding order... For these nic cards

3 Replies

  • Bibin,

    I don't quite understand your question in terms of binding order. Do you mean when you do a "Rerun" or "Create Proplus" when performing a workstation configuration? I have never had to bind the NIC cards at all.

    If doing a "Rerun", put (1) as the DeltaV Primary, (2) as the DeltaV Secondary, then (3)&(4) should be left in the bottom networks.
  • In reply to JackC:

    The Binding Order was a feature in earlier versions of Windows, and is replaced by the Network Priority in windows 10. In a multi Homed computer, with 4 NIC's, the binding order tells a computer which network it should use first to try and connect to a remote server. Part of this is to keep the DeltaV networks as clean of non-DeltaV traffic.

    Workstation Configuration allows you to define the DeltaV primary and Secondary network, but this has nothing to do with the NIC Binding order.

    The Operator Workstation installation manual or associated KBA will provide details for the version of DeltaV and OS that you are running.

    To set the binding order in Windows 7, you can open the Network and Sharing Center and select the Change Adapter Settings. This will list the NIC's on your computer. Select Advanced/ Advanced Settings and this will call up the dialog that shows you the NIC's in their "order" of priority. I believe for your case, you would use the following order:
    1 Plant Lan for printer
    2 Remote Primary For GPS
    3 Deltav Secondary
    4 Deltav Primary

    Note that DeltaV communications and anything that explicitly calls by IP address will be directed to the NIC for that subnet. What is also important is that this order be respected on all computers that share these networks. If you inverse this say with the Plant Lan and Remote network, this can cause issues especially with DCOM and/or OPC connections. If some computers don't have the Plant LAN connection, but have the Remote, then it is Remote, then DeltaV Secondary and at the bottom DeltaV Primary.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:


    Thanks for your clarification. I never had to deal with "Binding Order" and I was thinking of the workstation configuration.