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Lost parameter from phase using dynamic referencing

What would cause a phase parameter from not being successfully passed?  The phase does use dynamic referencing to  select the equipment module to receive the parameters.  A key phase parameter was not successfully passed down to the equipment module on 4 sequential batches of the same recipe procedure.  Downloading the unit appears to have corrected the current issue although there had not been any changes to the affected phase and other units from that class did not have a problem.   Only a single parameter for one equipment module was affected.  Other equipment modules successfully received all parameters and the affected equipment module received all other parameters correctly. 

1 Reply

  • Hi Jane, dynamic references are a very powerful item and they have some advantage against aliases. Anyway, how does your phase look like?
    You will first setup a string to a dyn_ref variable and need to wait at least one cycle to get this link resolved. Check of the dyn_ref.CST=0 is mandatory before you send/read any value of a dyn_ref variable. So far so good, everybody should know about. The next point is that a step in a sequence with all step-actions is active only until a transition behind becomes true.
    Anyway, even if a dyn_ref variable was resolved, it could happen that the next writing were interrupted, delayed whatever if the target is in another controller.
    This can cause some dynamically issues. Just to exclude this, are your referenced Unit, CM etc are in the same controller or do you have inter controller communication?
    Best Regards, Michael