Hello DeltaV community,
I need some help please. I am having some issues setting up a Modbus tcp interface to a prosoft on an controllogix rack, using a vim2 card on an Sx Controller. I am able to see that the VIM is communicating successfully with the prosoft (VIMnet configuration is correct and device is showing to be connected & online). But the data I am reading into my registers is gibberish. Not sure if it is a setting on the virtual serial card or a register is off, etc.
Following is configuration on the prosoft end for the analog read and the analog write data points-
1. Registers on Prosoft for 'read' datapoint- x000 & 0001; Data Type- Real; Modbus Function- FC 3 (read holding registers); 2 16-bit registers
Note- this is a parameter that DeltaV is reading over Modbus and it is 32-bit floating point
2. Register on Prosoft for 'write' datapont- x2000 & x2001; Data Type- Real; Modbus Function- FC 16 (write multiple holding registers); 2 16-bit registers
Note- This is a setpoint that DeltaV is sending over Modbus and it is a 32-bit floating ponit
Following is configuration I used for my datasets on the deltav device on serial card -
1. dataset 1- Input Data; DeltaV Data Type- Floating point with Status; Device Data Type- 3; Data Start Address - 0; Number of values- 1
2. dataset 2- Output Data; DeltaV Data Type- Floating point with Status; Device Data Type- 3; Data Start Address - 2000; Number of values- 1
I am reading data, but it doesn't match the values on the other end. Not sure if my registers are offset or if my datatype is wrong or what??
Thanks in advance!
In reply to Pieter Degier: