Operator graphics configuration - aligning objects

Hello all,

I'm try to clean up some graphics in DeltaV Operate Configure, version 11.3.  Is there anyway to align one object to another?  I can align two or more objects together, for example center two objects to each other, but this moves both objects.  I would like one object to stay still, while the other object moves and aligns to one of its edges.

Sounds easy enough, yes?  Everything I try moves both objects.

  • We usually add vertical or horizontal lines temporarily to the graphic and align objects to the lines as a work around for this issue.

  • In reply to Chris Hoffpauir:

    Thank You for the quick response Chris.

    How do you get these temporary lines to stick?  Do you just "eyeball" it to these new lines?

  • The only thing you can do without writing VBA logic is to align one of the objects either Left/Right and Up/Down and then align Horizontal and Vertical Centers. Doing it this way will keep one object in the same place as long as you are aligning to the bigger object and don't want the smaller object to move.

    You can right code in VBA temporarily to do this by adding a rectangle, right click and select Edit Script, change the Rectxx_Click to Rectxx_Edit and have the below code:

    ObjectNameToMove.HorizontalPosition = ObjecNameToStay.Center.X - (ObjectNameToMove.Width / 2)

    ObjectNameToMove.VerticalPosition = ObjecNameToStay.Center.Y - (ObjectNameToMove.Height / 2)

    Note: You will need to save and close the picture and reopen it once you replace the ObjectNameToMove and ObjectNameToStay to the real object names to get rid of any compile errors. Once there are no errors you can just double click the rectangle and your objects should get aligned.

  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    I do a quick copy of the horizontal or vertical position I want to "stick", let them both move on the "align", group, paste the value back to the group's horizontal or vertical position and then ungroup.

    You can do this with as many objects as you need to align.

  • In reply to Travis Neale:

    Thank You all for your responses.

    Unfortunately, none of them really appear easy enough for the number of objects I am working with.

    Perhaps "eyeballing" it will best for now.

    FK jr