Clean Database

Good day to all,

I have a question regarding Clean Database.

-What are the main purpose of doing Clean Database.

-Will it interrupt any process that are currently running?

-Will it override anything inside the current DeltaV setting?

-How frequently we must do this clean database? And what are the right procedure to do this? Any step that I need to follow before do this cleaning?

Sorry I'm still new with a little knowledge about DeltaV. 

Thanks for the support.

4 Replies

  • Take a look at the following KBA on Database Server Performance Best Practices (NA-0500-0025).

    -What are the main purpose of doing Clean Database. 

    "The Standard Clean operation runs both the ooclean and ootidy routines. The ooclean command cleans up leftover transactions (journal files) that are no longer valid on the database, while the ootidy command performs the equivalent of a disk defragment on the database files.

    The Extended clean performs the same activities as a Standard Clean except an additional ‘garbage collection’ routine is run to delete objects that are no longer referenced in the database. We always recommend the Extended Clean during heavy concurrent engineering."

    -Will it interrupt any process that are currently running?

    Cleaning the database will not interrupt control processes, but will prevent activities like use of engineering tools and downloads while the cleaning is in progress.  

    -Will it override anything inside the current DeltaV setting?


    -How frequently we must do this clean database? And what are the right procedure to do this? Any step that I need to follow before do this cleaning?

    "Perform database cleans as necessary. The frequency depends on the amount and type of configuration work being done. When heavy concurrent engineering is being performed, the database should be cleaned at a minimum of two times per day."

    When you take a backup (which should be either frequent enough to minimize loss of configuration changes or every time a change is made) a cleaning is performed, so the two tasks can be scheduled together. You will need to schedule cleanings to minimize impact on use of engineering tools and downloads.  Cleanings/backups usually don't take more than a few minutes, but no database connections from the engineering tools can exist before starting cleaning.  You can disconnect database connections using the database administration tools, but you should attempt to locate and properly shut down database connections at the client before using the disconnect feature to avoid possible corruption. 

  • In reply to Youssef.El-Bahtimy:

    Thanks for the feedback and it was very helpful for me
  • In reply to Raimi:

    DeltaV Database Administration has the option to schedule a daily extended clean. If you put the time somewhere in the middle of the night, it's likely that nobody will be bothered by it. Even on standalone simulation stations I enable both 'daily export' and 'daily extended clean' options to run at night. Recommended.
  • In reply to Robert Rijnders:

    Mine ver 7.4.1 where the auto schedule are not included not like the latest version, we can set the schedule for it.

    Thanks for the info Robert Rijnders