DeltaV extention based on OPC technology


Because DeltaV 12.3.1 does not support old Legacy Historian and old PI Processbook I need replacement with the cost efective solution.

PI Processbook is an SCADA visualisation extention. Processbook user connected to Legacy historian independenlty to plant operator and without access to operation station or application station had possibility to build his own visualisation based on the data from Legacy historian (on-line data and historical data).

Now to use it in DeltaV 12.3.1 new Pi Server and new PI Processbook application are needed.

I found that using OPC technology we can get the same functionality with other software providers: Aspentech, Cogent, ect.

My question are:

what licences for OPC I need to send the data to 2 or 3 external applications that the same time will connect OPC - server?

what is the difference between clasic DeltaV OPC server and DeltaV server?

4 Replies

  • So, as soon as I read your post I thought, "Why not use the Advanced Historian in DeltaV?"  The Advanced historian is OSI PI and should therefore allow connection by the Process Book client.  But then I read the white paper and BOL article on the topic and it explicitly stated that Process Book cannot be used with Advanced historian.   PI to PI, however comes with and is supported for the Advanced Continuous Historian.

    Do you have an existing corporate PI system,  and if so, could you interface the Advanced Historian to Corporate PI via PI to PI interface then have users connect via Process Book to the Corporate PI system?  Generally, both Emerson and OSI recommend an architecture where historical data is pushed from the PCS through the DMZ.  Clients on the Enterprise like Process Book should not connect directly to the PCS, but should connect to a historian system in the DMZ or Enterprise network. 

    Is Process Book a necessity? Have you looked into DeltaV Executive Portal?  (  No thick client installation is necessary for Executive Portal.

  • 1.      Customer is familiar with Processbook and like it very much.

    2.      There is 8 Processbooks connected to existing Legacy historian.

    3.      DeltaV must be migrated from 9 to 12.3.1 but limit for existing Legacy historian is 11.3.1

    4.      New solution: PI – PI server + new Processbooks is the most natural but also the most expensive solution.

    5.      The cheapest one is upgrade only to Delta 11.3.1 but all future benefits are lost.

    6.      There is installed the OPC server so I expected that this will be another possibility to exchange the data.

    7.      I don’t have any experience with Executive portal but I started to look into licenses and discovered: license for Webview session, license for Engineering seat (Web Studio), license for connection DeltaV connection bundle…. and I discovered that new PI sever will be almost the same price. Therefore it is not cheaper solution that I expected….  


  • In reply to Wojciech:

    When looking at replacements for PI and Processbook I think you need to be careful in how you tally costs. Presumably if you upgrade to the new Enterprise PI option in DeltaV and the new Processbook licenses you will be about finished with the process. I don't imagine you will have to spend much time (if any) updating or recreating graphics. If you went with a new option, you'll have to engineer, document, and test all of the new OPC links, plus presumably recreate all of your graphics and operator tools from scratch in your new environment.

    I suspect that moving to the new PI and Processbook with not be any more expensive in the long run, it will likely be cheaper. Additionally, it will almost positively be the fastest method to get back up to speed after moving to 12.3.1.

  • Not a chance for cheap upgrade.
    There is DeltaV 9 but Legacy historian is from DeltaV 7.3 without any OSIsoft guardians.
    Asking them I received request to pay for all the upgrades that appeared in the mean-time. In total it is 1,5 time more expensive than new server. The same with the Processbooks. Customer bought it directly from OSIsoft without the guardians and there is the same story. Therefore I’m looking for market alternative based on OPC. I expect then on OPC market competition is higher so I don’t have to use only OSIsoft.
    Up to now I found Aspentech and Cogent as software providers competitive to OSIsoft but I had not a chance to check how it works. Hope next weeks will get more experience with trial soft from them.