SQ Diagnostics

I,m running SQ controller with 12.3 firmware, in the diagnostics the "FREE TIME" as "Not Available". I have already configured and assign 164 DSTs and they are being processed by the controller fine, no complaints, but how come it is not showing the "FREE TIME"?


Anyone has seen this?



  • Per books online:



    Controller free memory minimum(6)

    MD - 1.4 MB

    SD Plus/MD Plus/MQ - 4.8 MB

    MX - 9.6 MB


    It appears you want to use the FREMEM_INDEX parameter as specified.

     See the following statement in the SQ product sheet:


    The capacity limits of the SQ Controller may vary depending on the particular application, amount of CHARM I/O Signals and as well control performance requirements. Enhanced Memory handling and Hardware Alerts covering Capacity and Memory, via Indexes, got added to the Diagnostic information’s of the SQ Controller.


  • the SQ and SX controllers in v12 report their performance using a set of indexes.  The Time Utilization CHART has been replaced with an Index Dialog showing you the CPU, Memory and communication indexes, which are a number from 5 to 1.  As you load the configuration on the controller, including CHARM IO communication, the indexes reflect this by moving toward 1.  When an index reaches 1, you have exceeded some capacity of the system.

    In this dialog is a second tab that shows you actual loading percentiles.  The CPU capacity shows you the percent of CPU capacity for control in this controller.  Unlike Freetime, this value goes to 0. below 0%, the CPU index will show 1 and you  are overloaded.  So a controller at 50% capacity is actually halfway loaded.

    FREETIME is no longer provided for these controllers, or the SZ controller as it is superseded by the index and the % capacity value.  Note that the % capacity value is not available as a referenced parameter and can only be viewed in the Time Utilization chart replacement dialog.

    Also, the Percent on time values for the priority threads are also no longer valid.  Now each module has an OnTime parameter.  These are shown under the Assigned Modules in Diagnostics.  They should all be On time as long as the CPU Index is above 1, % capacity above 0.  

    Andre Dicaire