Yokogawa has launched new Series of Transmitter EJA-E. The product is not listed on the DeltaV website for FF funtionality but its is FF registered with ITK-6.
Will it perform with DeltaV DCS with full funtionality and Diagnostic feature or not.
If you cannot get a device driver for the fieldbus device you will not be able to commission the instrument. Have you asked Yokagawa if they have a device driver for DeltaV or if they are in the process of getting the DD approved? I have worked with some Yokagawa FF pressure transmitters before and while the transmitter while the transmitters have been good, I always had issues with how their FF devices interacted with the DeltaV system from a configuration standpoint.
In reply to mikesteiger:
Yokogawa is confirming the compatability with the DeltaV DCS system.
In reply to manishdhanuka:
I heard from the team that runs the DeltaV stress test labs that they have just received that device and it has been added to list of devices that will be put through their stress testing process. You'll see a notification on the DeltaV News blog and in the blog section of this DeltaV track area.
The notification will look similar to this one.