Looking at the various options to convert a newer ControlLogix install over to DeltaV be it through integration, or swapping to DeltaV Hardware.
The issue is downtime, we need to minimize it, the IO is new, and lifecycle is good for now.
In looking at the IO Connect page there sure seems to be lots of potatoes but very little meat.
I can't seem to find any real info on what this actually is.
The required products make it seem like its just the normal EIP interface via a PK or EIOC or VIM2, but it says you need to have V15 FP2 as a pre-requisite.
Does anyone have some screenshots of IO Connect in use? What is it exactly? Is it simply serving up what is already available when connecting to remote IO in a better organized fasion?Just looking to see if its worth pushing ahead from V14LTS to V15 FP2, but for the most part, Impact Partners are saying to stay on LTS until theres a new major rev.
In reply to Tinh Phan:
Thanks for the interest in IO.Connect. As Tinh Phan and Matt Forbis remarked, Jay Chard and the Emerson Modernization team can help you get to where you want to go. Couple of quick questions at this point are (1) do you want DeltaV to be in control of the process that the ControlLogix (CLX) was on and leave the 1756 I/O in place, or (2) you want the DeltaV to be supervising and leave the CLX and I/O in place? We can discuss your application on a live call if that's more helpful. Please do reach out to Jay and/or me (mc.chow@emerson.com) and we can arrange for that.
In reply to MC_Chow: