  • Tip #57: Be a Team Player

    Note: The following tip is from the upcoming book by Greg McMillan and Hunter Vegas titled, 101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career, inspired by the ISA Mentor Program. Tip #57: Be a Team Player By Greg McMillan (Career) When I started my career, I could pretty much execute the entire automation system design from [...] Read the full text.
  • ISA Mentor Program: The Key to the Future

    The original intent of the ISA Mentor Program was to start with four (4) end users with at least two (2) years of plant experience. After reviewing several candidates, I decided to accept more than double the amount of applicants into the program due to their excellent qualifications. I kicked off the program with nine [...] Read the full text.
  • Advanced Control Foundation – ISA Web Site

    Last week Mark Nixon, Willy Wojsznis and I completed the final type set review of Advanced Control Foundation – Tools, Techniques, and Applications. It is always a good feeling to reach this point when writing a book. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, Advanced Control Foundation – Tools, Techniques and Applications will be available … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Checklist for Batch Reactor Temperature Control

    Tight reactor temperature control enables the optimization of capacity and yield. What happens upfront in the reaction sets the stage for downstream processing and what ultimately ends up in the final product. Generally, increasing reactor temperature will increase reaction rate (capacity) but if the temperature is too high, side reactions may develop reducing reaction selectivity (efficiency). Oscillations and errors…
  • Tip #32 – General Project Management Tips

    Note: The following tip is from the upcoming book by Greg McMillan and Hunter Vegas titled, 101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career, inspired by the ISA Mentor Program. Tip #32 – General Project Management Tips By Hunter Vegas (Project Management/Execution) Over the years I have learned a number of valuable tips, either the hard [...] Read the full text.
  • Addressing Control Applications Using WirelessHART Devices

    At Emerson Exchange, 2012 I will be co-presenting a workshop with Mark Nixon and Marty Zielinski titled Addressing Control Applications Using WirelessHART Devices. In this workshop we will be address the technical basis for the PID modification, known as PIDPlus, that are included in DeltaV v11 to address control using the non-period, slow measurement updates … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Checklist for Cascade Control

    Cascade control is an effective way of providing better feedback and feedforward control. The peak error in the primary loop can be reduced by more than an order of magnitude for disturbances originating in the secondary loop. The nonlinearity a control valve can be removed from the primary control loop. Flow feedforward and ratio control can become more effective. The following checklist provides some guidance on how…
  • Tip #56 – Learn New Skills and Explore Technological Advances

    Note: The following tip is from the upcoming book by Greg McMillan and Hunter Vegas titled, 101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career, inspired by the ISA Mentor Program. Tip #56 – Learn New Skills and Explore Technological Advances By Greg McMillan (Career) When I was the lead electrical and instrument (E&I) design engineer for [...] Read the full text.
  • Yokogawa EJX Rev5 Fieldbus Device Files

    In Emerson’s continuing commitment to open and interoperable standards, the Yokogawa EJX Rev5 has passed the rigorous and comprehensive testing of the DeltaV Stress Test labs. Using the Device Installation Kits for Emerson Products website at, these fieldbus device files are now available for use. Read the full text…
  • Updated DeltaV Basic Batch Product Data Sheet

    The DeltaV Basic Batch software contains the Batch Executive, the batch engine which coordinates all batch processing activity, creates detailed batch historical records, and schedules your recipes and resources. (66KB PDF) Read the full text.
  • IEC/ISA Meeting During ISA Automation Week

    IEC accepted the U.S. National Committee’s offer to hold IEC/TC 65, SC 65A, SC 65B, SC 65C and SC 65E meetings during the weeks of 17-21 and 24-28 September 2012 at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando Florida, USA. Subcommittee meetings are schedules the week before the start of ISA Automation Week. The plenary will … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • What Can You Find in Our August 2012 Issue?

    In our August issue , read " Wireless Comes of Age " and find out why wireless is not just for early adopters anymore. Also, learn to " Flow Like an Egyptian " with Walt Boyes, who covers the basics of flow measurement in open channels and explore virtual instrumentation with the folks at Arkansas Electric Corporation . And our columnists weigh in on high-performance HMI , liquefied petroleum gas problems and smart calibration…
  • Tip #29 – Tricks for control panels

    Note: The following tip is from the upcoming book by Greg McMillan and Hunter Vegas titled, 101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career, inspired by the ISA Mentor Program. Tip #29 – Tricks for control panels By Hunter Vegas (Project Management/Execution) Project management is really just risk management, and a large source of risk to [...] Read the full text.
  • Checklist for a Virtual Plant

    What is the most effective type of simulation? What is the fidelity needed? How can you automatically increase fidelity? How can you help operators deal with abnormal situations? How can you have a laboratory that behaves like the real plant to learn how the process responds, demonstrate creative control solutions, and quantify the benefits? read more
  • Emerson Exchange – Meet the Expert Session

    This year Emerson Exchange will be held October 8-12, 2012 – Hilton Anaheim in Anaheim, California.  A number of meet the expert sessions are scheduled for the last day of the conference, Friday, October 12th . Willy Worjsznis and I will host one meet the expert session in which we will give an overview of … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Tip #69 – Add Control Loops to Eliminate Manual Actions and Sequences

    Note: The following tip is from the upcoming book by Greg McMillan and Hunter Vegas titled, 101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career, inspired by the ISA Mentor Program. Tip #69 – Add Control Loops to Eliminate Manual Actions and Sequences By Greg McMillan (Technical) I taught a course in process control to junior and [...] Read the full text.
  • Deadband and Resolution Limit Cycle Causes and Fixes

    Deadband and resolution cause sustained equal amplitude oscillations called limit cycles that cannot be eliminated by controller tuning. A resolution limit causes limit cycles if there is integrating action at just one point in the control loop either in the process (e.g. level), positioner, or the process controller (e.g. PID). Deadband requires integrating action at 2 or more points in the control loop. The best solution…
  • Virtualization is a Reality at Emerson Exchange

    Virtualization hits the big time at this year’s Emerson Global User Exchange in Anaheim, CA, October 8 th to the 12 th . First up are the workshops, covering a variety of topics “all things virtual”: 9-1773 – Virtualization Technology and Virus Detection 3-1760 – SLC and CSV Concepts for System Virtualization 5-1160 – Syncade Virtualization 5-1847 – DeltaV Virtualization – Product…
  • Advanced Control Foundation – Coming Soon

    Many of the advanced control products available in the DeltaV control system can be traced to an advanced control research and development program established within Emerson Process Management in the early 1990s. The ISA book Advanced Control Unleashed – Plant Performance Management for Optimum Benefit, published in 2003, included examples based on advanced control software … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Tip #24 – When performing a DCS retrofit, take the time to study the I/O cards

    Note: The following tip is from the upcoming book by Greg McMillan and Hunter Vegas titled, 101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career, inspired by the ISA Mentor Program. Tip #24 – When performing a DCS retrofit, take the time to study the I/O cards By Hunter Vegas (System Design) This is a tip I [...] Read the full text.
  • Where do process dynamics come from?

    Do you lie awake at night wondering what the source of process dynamics is? Do you wonder why temperature and composition controllers tend to oscillate at low production rates and low levels? Are you perplexed why some controllers need a lambda factor of 2 and other need a lambda factor of 0.02? Do wonder why level controllers can have controller gains of 100 without oscillating? read more
  • Boot Camp for New Employees

    Courses required for an engineering degree are designed to provide the student with a sound technical foundation for work in industry. However, in most cases these courses do not address the terminology and common practices that an engineer must know to design, implement, checkout and commission a process control system. Universities can help bridge this … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Updated M-series Traditional I/O Product Data Sheet

    The DeltaV M-series Traditional I/O subsystem is easy to install and maintain. (384KB PDF) Read the full text.
  • Tip #70 – Minimize Dead Time

    Note: The following tip is from the upcoming book by Greg McMillan and Hunter Vegas titled, 101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career, inspired by the ISA Mentor Program. Tip #70 – Minimize Dead Time By Greg McMillan (Technical) When I was 4 years old and sitting on my Daddy’s knee, he said, “Son, I [...] Read the full text.
  • Checklist for Loop Analysis by Trend Charts

    Humans have an incredible capability to see and analyze patterns. The setup of the data historian and trend chart can either hide or recognize essential patterns. The check list can help you identify the root cause of poor loop performance and a potential solution. Also included is a module to compute load and setpoint response metrics online. read more