  • Checklist for Best PID Performance

    There is an incredible offering of PID features and options enabling maximum disturbance rejection and setpoint response but also the coordination of loops and unit operation optimization. While the full aspects of the PID capability are book worthy, this checklist and an excerpt from an ISA Automation Week 2012 paper can get you started on the right path. read more
  • Updated Smart Wireless Gateway Product Data Sheet

    The Smart Wireless Gateway provides seamless integration with the DeltaV system and AMS Suite. (240KB PDF) Read the full text.
  • Updated DeltaV M-series Zone 2 Remote I/O Product Data Sheet

    Unlike any other remote I/O solution, DeltaV shared remote I/O connects with any DeltaV controller for maximum installation flexibility. (113KB PDF) Read the full text.
  • Updated DeltaV Analyze Product Data Sheet

    DeltaV Analyze enables you to review alarm system performance vs. EEMUA-191 and ISA-18.2 benchmarks.  (850KB PDF) Read the full text.
  • Impact of ISA106 on Process Automation

    One of the side discussions at the SC65E WG7 meeting in Meisdorf, Germany, May, 2012 was the work by ISA106 and its potential impact on process automation. The formation of the ISA106 committee was first announced by ISA in May, 2010. Since that time this committee has been very active. The purpose of this committe … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Press Release: MOL Group reduces annual energy costs by €1.2M using Emerson’s Advanced Process Control

    Emerson’s DeltaV™ process automation system and SmartProcess™ Distillation Optimizer improve performance and efficiency of gas distillation columns at Hungarian plant AUSTIN, TEXAS (June 14, 2012) — MOL Group has improved energy efficiency and process stability at its gas distillation plant in Algyõ, Hungary, by implementing advanced process control technology from Emerson Process Management. The improvements [...] Read…
  • 101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career

    As Hunter Vegas and I got into being mentors, we recognized what an overwhelming experience it must be for a new engineer to come up to speed, especially since mentoring within a company is becoming scarce due to retirements and burgeoning workloads and procedural requirements. We realized there was a need for a very succinct [...] Read the full text.
  • Checklist for Best pH Measurement Performance

    The composition measurement with by far the greatest sensitivity and rangeability is pH.   Consider that pH routinely detects changes at 7 pH to the 9th decimal place and for a 0-14 pH scale covers 14 orders of magnitude of hydrogen ion concentration.   New glass and reference designs have dramatically reduced drift even for the harshest conditions, such as high temperature and sterilization. References junctions can…
  • Field Device Integration (FDI) Standard – IEC62769

    The SC65E WG7 committee met May 28-June1, 2012 in Meisdorf, Germany. In this meeting the committee addressed work that is part of the maintenance cycle for IEC61804 – Function blocks (FB) for process control. Also, much of the meeting discussion focused on work related to the development of IEC 62769 Field device integration (FDI) standard. … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Automatic logic control of well water

    One of the objectives of the ISA Mentor program is to increase the number of papers and presentations by users to share plant expertise and best practices to advance the automation profession. Each of the program participants will present a paper and/or participate in an ISA Mentor Program Panel session at ISA Automation Week, 24-27, [...] Read the full text.
  • Press Release: Emerson reduces complexity in safety instrumented system installation and operation

    Electronic Marshalling now available on DeltaV SIS™ safety instrumented system AUSTIN, TEXAS (June 6, 2012) – Emerson Process Management has transformed safety systems by combining the proven performance and reliability of the DeltaV™ Safety Instrumented System (SIS) with the installation flexibility and space savings of its Electronic Marshalling technology. This new SIS offering greatly simplifies [...] Read the full…
  • A Quick Video Look at Electronic Marshalling

    In this short, 1:54 Automation World video, Emerson CHARMS provide flexible process control, Emerson’s Bruce Greenwald describes how electronic marshalling and Read the full text.
  • Checklist for Best Inline Flowmeter Performance

    Nearly all process inputs are flows. The measurement of flow is important for process analysis, metrics, and modeling, reducing variability of process inputs, enabling feedforward and ratio control, and isolating valve nonlinearities by secondary flow loops. Inline flow meters offer the best accuracy and rangeability. Here is a list to help select and install an inline flow meter. read more
  • Control Loop Foundation Class

    It was my pleasure to co-teach with Darrell Dray the Control Loop Foundation class (9025) the week of May 21st, 2012. The class was held in Emerson Process Management’s Education Center located in Round Rock, TX – just outside of Austin, TX. This 4 ½ day class is based on the Control Loop Foundation book. … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Control valve versus variable speed drive for flow control

    One of the objectives of the ISA Mentor program is to increase the number of papers and presentations by users to share plant expertise and best practices to advance the automation profession. Each of the program participants will present a paper and/or participate in an ISA Mentor Program Panel session at ISA Automation Week, 24-27, [...] Read the full text.
  • Press Release: BP awards Emerson multi-million-dollar contract to provide automation technology and services for North Sea oil production

    Integrated control and safety systems will help BP manage operations of two new platforms for the Clair Ridge project AUSTIN, TEXAS (May 30, 2012) — Emerson Process Management has been awarded a $23 million contract by BP to supply integrated control and safety systems for two new bridge-linked platforms for the Clair Ridge project. Clair [...] Read the full text.
  • Checklist for Best Temperature Measurement Performance

    Temperature is the most important common measurement. Temperature determines product formation rate and yield in reaction and crystallization processes and product composition in separation processes. Temperature is also important for monitoring energy balances and heat transfer coefficients.   The principle considerations are the selection of a TC or RTD and the best thermowell assembly design, installation, and location…
  • PID Advances in Industrial Control

    I was honored to be one of the three plenary speakers at the IFAC PID’12 conference. My presentation was scheduled on the last day of the conference, Friday, March 30, 2012. The topic of my talk was PID Advances in Industrial Control. In this presentation I address the fact that major advances have been made … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Press Release: Vopak and Emerson develop new software application for management and optimization of bulk liquid terminals

    Syncade™ Logistics provides efficiency improvement of up to 30% AUSTIN, TEXAS (May 24, 2012) — Working in close collaboration with Vopak, Emerson Process Management has developed a software solution specifically for management and optimization of bulk liquid terminals. The new application is based on the Logistics module in Emerson’s Syncade™ platform, which provides intelligent links [...] Read the full text.
  • Batch Reactor Temperature Control Improvement

    One of the objectives of the ISA Mentor program is to increase the number of papers and presentations by users to share plant expertise and best practices to advance the automation profession. Each of the program participants will present a paper and/or participate in an ISA Mentor Program Panel session at ISA Automation Week 24-27, [...] Read the full text.
  • Checklist for Best Pressure Measurement Performance

    Pressure and differential pressure (DP) measurements are important for regulating inventory, flow, and product quality and are critical for ensuring safe operation.   Installation errors and the drift of today’s smart pressure and DP transmitters have decreased by an order of magnitude by compensation of temperature, static pressure, and non-ideal sensor effects. Most of the remaining concerns are associated with impulse…
  • May 2012 Digital Edition

    The May issue of Control addresses the question, is industrial control security a safety issue . Also included, the real reason variable-frequency drives (VFDs) are such a hard sell to many process engineers--it may not be what you think--and Hall of Fame member Greg Shinsky takes on the question of Lamba tuning in control loops. Also, don't miss McMillan and Weiner's interview with Hans Baumann , where they ask Baumann…
  • Event Based PID Control

    An entire session of the IFAC PID’12 conference was dedicated to Event Based PID Control. The introduction of wireless transmitters in the process industry is one of the primary motivations for the research in this area. Willy Wojsznis and I both sat in on this session to see the latest work in this area. I … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Checklist for Best Radar Level Measurement Performance

    Radar offers an incredibly sensitive measurement of surface level that can be nearly maintenance free. The potential for an accurate inventory measurement is dramatic but with this extreme capability comes some extraordinary application considerations. A checklist is offered of implementation details to help achieve the full capability of this measurement. read more
  • What is the best approach in developing a dynamic process model?

    In the ISA Automation Week Mentor Program, I am providing guidance for extremely talented individuals from Argentina, Brazil, Malaysia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and the USA. We will be sharing a question and the answers each week. If you would like to provide additional answers, please send them to Susan Colwell at ISA. The twenty-second question [...] Read the full text.