Process Control Optimization

At Emerson Exchange 2015 I hosted a meet the expert session on process control optimization. The six panel members have a wide variety of experience in the process industy.

Meet the Expert from Video

In this session the expert panel members explored the challenges that are often encountered when using traditional and advanced control techniques to optimize plant operations. The experts discussed the basic steps that they recommend be followed when addressing a control optimization project. Also, each panel member presented an application they have commissioned that demonstrates how process control techniques were used to optimize process operation. The presented control optimization projects demonstrate how to achieve technical and economic objectives in various industries. If you are interested in learning how to improve plant operations through process control, then you can view a video recoring of the session using this link.  The video is quite long (1 1/2 hours)  but you can easily select topics of interest using the controls provided in this link.  The presentation order is shown below.

  • Introduction
  • Reduce Energy for Distillation – James Beall
  • Control Performance Visibility and Awareness- Hydrogen Plant – Jay Colclazier
  • Wellpad Optimization – Warren Mitchell
  • Data Analytics in Process Optimization -Willy Wojsznis
  • Improving Equipment Performance – a Tale of Two Valves – Jim Coleman
  • Application of APC to LNG Process – Lou Heavner
  • Discussion – Q/A from EE365