Model Predictive Control With Event Driven Operation

Willy Wojsznis, Mark Nixon and I co-author the paper Model Predictive Control With Event Driven Operation for the “1st European Experts’ Workshop On Emerging Trends In Event Based Systems” . In this paper we address how wireless measurements have been successfully used in the application of MPC in the control of a Divided Wall Column (DWC) at the UT, JJ Pickle research center.

Divided Wall Column Control

The paper presentation Willy Wojsznis gave in the workshop addresses how the MPC process model may be used to estimate control parameters when a wireless measurements update is slower than the MPC execution rate . He discussed the results achieved using wireless measurements in MPC control of a Divided Wall Column (DWC) process. WirelessHART transmitters are used for many of the process measurements in DWC control. This paper details wireless MPC operation and design and discusses the application challenges illustrated by the test results. If you are interested in learning more about using wireless measurement with MPC then you can access Willy’s presentation using the link below.