Model Predictive Control Using of Wireless Measurements

For Emerson Exchange 2015 I co-authored a workshop on Process Model Identification and MPC Control of the Dividing Wall Column with Wireless Measurements. The workshop presentation was given by Willy Wojsznis, Emerson Process Management and Bailee Roach, a graduate student at The University of Texas at Austin.

In this workshop we show how wireless measurements have been applied with MPC for the control of a divided wall column (DWC) installation at the University of Texas. In this workshop we present the field trial results of the novel concept of incorporating wireless measurements into PredictPro. The workshop details wireless MPC control and discuss the process modeling, process automatic testing, model identification, control and optimization objectives illustrated by test results. Impact of the design and achieved results on the refining industry will be outlined from the industry perspective. If you have an interest in this topic then you can view a video of this presentation below.