Industrial Advances in Wireless and Event Driven Control

Last month Willy Wojsznis and I attended the “1st European Experts’ Workshop On Emerging Trends In Event Based Systems”. This workshop was held on the campus of AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland.


For this workshop, Willy and I co-authored two papers with Mark Nixon that addressed how event triggered execution is used in wireless control. In my next two blogs I will provide more information on our paper presentation in the workshop. On the second day of the workshop I gave an Industrial Presentation titled “Industrial Advances in Wireless and Event Driven Control”. In this presentation I discussed the rapid adoption of wireless technology in the process industry and how control techniques, such as PIDPlus, have been developed that allow wireless measurements to be used in closed loop control. Also, in the presentation I discuss the development of wireless throttling valves and techniques that allow wireless throttling valves to be used in closed loop control applications. If you have an interest in learning more about these topics, you can access my full presentation below: