Customization and automated distribution of DeltaV Analyze alarm report data

Are you a DeltaV Analyze user? If so, are you looking for an easier way to merge data from the individual ‘Alarm Statistics’ reports that it creates, to automatically produce customized reports for multiple operator positions over extended periods of time, and have them automatically emailed?  The XLReporter for DeltaV Analyze from SYTech can help you do that. It provides a ready-to-use method to historize report data from multiple systems, easy-to-use report design tools to create custom alarm KPI visualizations and the flexibility to distribute them by email, ftp, http or interactive dashboard.   

Example report templates included with XLReporter for DeltaV Analyze allow you to create custom alarm performance visualizations, like the EEMUA-191 Edition 3 alarm system performance charts below.

Many DeltaV system users are already familiar with the XLReporter, using it to create custom reports based on connectivity to the DeltaV system, DeltaV Batch Historian and DeltaV Event Chronicle.

To learn more, check out the whitepaper XLReporter for DeltaV Analyze on the website