Optimizing Blend Operations in Pursuit of Regulatory Compliance

As U.S. refiners grapple with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Tier 3 regulations, meeting their blending plans will become even more difficult.

Emerson's Doug White

In the second webinar of the refining blending series, Emerson’s Dr. Doug White addressed the subject of using automation to meet your production plan and Tier 3 regulations.

In this recorded webinar, Doug highlights ways:

…to gain insight into how automation can help you optimize your blending operation to meet your production plan and satisfy Tier 3 requirements. He shares information on how to minimize quality giveaway and reduce component and product inventory.

Doug reviews the workflow of an efficient blend and some of the technology advancements and system architecture that supports these workflows. He covers how to estimate the benefits that precise blending delivers and recommends next steps.

Based on many years of experience working with refiners, Doug highlights the margin increases seen by optimizing blend operations:


He highlights the complexity of blend planning from refinery planning through blend planning, scheduling, property control and ratio control. The workflow also involves coordination among several groups in the refinery including those managing recipes, specs, and priority inputs to the blender, offsites, laboratory and the teams managing interactions with final reporting requirements.

Watch the webinar recording to see ways of addressing Tier 3 complexities, non-linearities, modalities and requirements for inline blending. The technologies have advanced from black boxes to integrated control, safety and wireless measurement and control.

He closes the webinar with some blending system upgrade case studies. One of the questions, What’s an alternative for failures in the NIR analyzers?, was addressed in the Refining group in the Emerson Exchange 365 community.

Here’s a link to the first webinar recording, Creating a predictable path to Tier 3 compliance. The next two in the series will be:

We hope you can join one or both of these and join and interact with other refining experts in the Emerson Exchange 365 community’s Refining group.

The post Optimizing Blend Operations in Pursuit of Regulatory Compliance appeared first on the Emerson Process Experts blog.