Cheers to the Beer Pipeline Innovation

The city center in the historic city of Bruges in Belgium is named as a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to help preserve its rich history.

A Fluid Handling Pro article, World’s First Beer Pipeline Utilizes Unique Flow Solutions, describes how a Bruges city center-based brewery required this innovative pipeline and accurate flow measurements. The beer pipeline was needed to address the additional production required to meet growing demand, the inability to expand within the Bruges city center, and the challenge in ground transportation between the brewery and offsite facility.

The beer pipeline connects the brewery with another facility 3.2km away where the bottling and distribution operations are performed.

I share all this, because a colleague pointed me to a wonderful video by Tom Scott, who has a YouTube channel with other wonderful and amazing videos. This 3:29 video, The Beer Pipeline of Bruges, shows this feat of engineering and brewery staff who helped make it possible. Check it out and appreciate this clever solution over a cold one.

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The post Cheers to the Beer Pipeline Innovation appeared first on the Emerson Automation Experts blog.